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I Support Revolutionary Democratic Socialism

Because I believe in a free market, as well as socially funded healthcare, education and infrastructure. Affordable housing, living wages and proper superannuation and beneficiaries. Society should be judged on how they treat their weakest members
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redredred · M
Can you explain precisely the means by which one person's needs become another person's obligation?
redredred · M
you are advocating for a society where someone who works through years of education after high school should have no advantage over someone who drops out of high school. Or where someone who has a near unique skill should not be able to capitalize on that skill. There is no importance to how hard someone works, the importance is what value that work has to others. Should a major league pitcher make more than a high school French teacher? Absolutely because people would rather pay to watch the pitcher pitch than to watch the teacher teach.

Skills, abilities and talents are not distributed fairly or equally. That's the reality. Trying to level the field by taking from some to give to others is larceny. You have no right to do so.
psikeo · 31-35, M
there is no way a MLB player should be paid anywhere near as much as they are paid, or more than teachers, nurses or doctors. I'm not advocating for a society where someone who works through university has no advantage, because they have the advantage of being able to work in fields that pay more. What I am advocating for is people who work full time (whatever they do) being able to provide for their families. I would prefer to tax business higher than individual, giving businesses incentive to pay their employees more, so they pay less tax on the business. This in turn means the employees have more income, so can afford to live in more comfort. This ridiculous obsession with growth (economically speaking) drives society towards collapse, as they inevitably use beyond their means. There is no sense of 'enoughness' and that is messed up. I'm not saying the people at the top should be paid less, I'm saying the people at the bottom should be paid more. There are enough resources for every single person to be able to live in comfort, but due the excesses of the mega wealthy, the rest of the population have to fight for scraps. It's why America has both a child obesity problem and a child malnutrition problem. Both could be fixed with a redistribution of wealth. Hell man, I'd back a global currency and the abolition of countries. We're all human, and we are all different. We work better when we use the differences for strength over discrimination
redredred · M
Who are you to determine the value of anything? By what right, skill or training are you capable of determining the value of anything. Is a 4 caret diamond worth more that a gallon of water? It depends on the circumstances. Three days lost in the desert and you might gladly trade a large diamond for a gallon of water. A Major league pitcher is worth whatever someone will pay. A high school French teacher is worth whatever someone will pay. You can spatter paint on a canvas and demand what a Jackson Pollack sells for but it's only worth what someone will pay.

It's more work to shovel a driveway with a tablespoon than a snowplow but simply because someone works hard does not give them a claim on a living wage. Work is only worth what someone else will pay. You have neither the right nor the expertise nor the knowledge nor the standing to redistribute someone else's wealth; no one does. Only the market can truly decide who gets what for their work.

I've found, in life, that those most eager to share the wealth typically bring the least to the table to share.
Yeah i totally agree. A new form of socialism is the future i believe.
IchBin2 · 26-30, M
"Do you think democratic socialism could ever go badly?"

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