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Propaganda (Lies) About Stanley Kubrick

Ben Bussey:
Writer for Yahoo, WhatCulture, Yahoo Movies UK, Film Daily


The late Stanley Kubrick was long noted as not only one of the great American directors, but also as one of the great enigmatic recluses of cinema.

A number of bizarre conspiracy theories exist involving Kubrick - perhaps the most enduring being that the 1969
moon landing never actually happened, and the "2001: A Space Odyssey" director was hired by the U.S. government to film bogus footage of the event.

Unsurprisingly, this claim ahs long since been dismissed by both NASA and those associated with Kubrick - but this hasn't stopped the idea from remaining popular.

Now, a pseudo-documentary has emerged purporting to feature a videotaped confession from Kubrick, shortly before his death in 1999, admitting that he did indeed fake the moon landings.

And, even less surprisingly, those in the know dismiss this as 100% untrue as well.

'Gawker" found the film, entitled "Shooting Stanley Kubrick" - which they describe as "an absolute marvel of grating, unwatchable cinema" - directed by a filmmaker named T. Patrick Murray.

It features a man claimed to be Kubrick telling his interviewer,
"I perpetrated a huge fraud on the American public, which I am now about to detail, involving the United States government and NASA, that the moon landings were faked, that the moon landings were ALL faked, and that I was the person who filmed it.
I'm serious. Dead serious. Yes, it was faked."

The alleged Kubrick goes on to declare, "I consider them to be my masterpiece," and says that his work on
"2001: A Space Odyssey" was - in line with the popular theory - "why I got this gig in the first place."

A spokesperson for Stanley Kubrick's widow has since declared, "The interview is a lie. Stanley Kubrick has never been interviewed by T. Patrick Murray, the whole story is made up, fraudulent & untrue."

Given that Kubrick was renowned for shunning the limelight, his physical appearance and voice are not too familiar to many - but compare the man in Murray's film with an actual photograph of Kubrick toward the end of his life, the two are hardly identical.

The notion that Kubrick faked the moon landing comes into play heavily in the 2013 documentary "Room 237,' in which one interview subject suggests that Kubrick's 1980 film "The Shinning" is the director's cryptic confession on the matter.

Another (conspiracy) theory suggests that Kubrick knew the true working of the secret society "The Illuminati," and that the climactic masked orgy sequence in "Eyes Wide Shut" was intended to reveal their inner workings.

More + photos,
"Stanley Kubrick Estate Rubbishes 'Confession' Video About Faking The Moon Landings"
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windinhishair · 61-69, M Best Comment
There are way too many wackos who don't believe in the moon landing.

bookerdana · M
What I don't get about the moon landing deniers is,the Russians had enough technology to know if it was legit or not,and would have loved showing the World that this was a hoax. I knew two men who worked on the LEM
Renaci · 36-40
Wtf did I just read.

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