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We must do better to protect the most vulnerable

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Except the most vulnerable never are protected, and to believe we have to protect them is to assume they are incapable. Why can't we make people better by making them stronger?
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
how much will that cost?
@SusanInFlorida “gun care” would be funded by the NRA…in jest..
How much money does the nra pay congressional leadership is a good place to start.

The point of the meme is to show the skewed values of our system.
@SusanInFlorida it's costing more not too except for the value Americans place in gloating over each other's pain and misfortune.
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@Roundandroundwego i think these questions should be answered by informed public debate/dialogue. Not how much money can be raised by advocacy groups for or against . . .
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
Well maybe if you would stop spending all your time promoting the divide with your propaganda and snark, maybe people could finally get together and start really hashing out these problems...

...or are one of those that don't really care and this is about your ego and demonstrating how much smarter and more compassionate you are then those with which you disagree.
@SumKindaMunster I am sorry, if that is your perception.

I am allergic to bullshit though.

We have many systemic issues in the US.
Every branch of government is corrupt.
So, what should we do? Our government is controlled by corporate interests.
We get the illusion of choice with elections.

I am not anti gun. I own, but I am smart enough not to carry. Public carry laws should have requirements around training.

I would prefer a serious discussion over the perceived ”need” of an ar-15 style weapon.
Don’t even try to skip down the road of “ my rights”.

If people only used that style of weapon for target or recreational shooting, it would be one thing.
“Recreational “ isn’t hunting either.

I am also for reproductive rights.
Women aren’t chattel the last time I checked. Yet,
They are subjected to the rules of people who can’t birth a child.

Let a woman try an tell a man what to do with his body.

Religious views don’t belong in government, but yet we have the best Supreme Court Leonard Leo could get.

My position is simple, if you don’t like abortion, don’t get one. It’s no one else’s business if my daughter gets one either.

The world would be better if we stayed in our lanes.

The billionaires laugh while we argue policy.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@SW-User Thanks for responding relevantly.

I don't think your positions on abortion or gun control are extreme or not reasonable.

However, you willing to compromise on them? You willing to say, get abortion access guaranteed by the Feds through the 1st trimester, but allowing the states to make laws around abortion that don't interfere with the Federal law? Which could include banning abortion after the first trimester outright, or allowing other limits and checks on abortion?

You willing to compromise on gun control? Like allowing assault weapons but banning anyone from 18 or under from owning or using one?

This is what its going to require, being willing to compromise and give up some of what you want for the greater good.

You seem bright enough to understand the balance of power in the US Governmental system.

Our government is controlled by corporate interests.
We get the illusion of choice with elections.

Agreed, but we all allow this to happen because it is far easier than what it would or could actually take to change such protesting and striking for weeks or months like the French willing to do that?

I think most Americans do want something different from our government, but too many people are comfortable in their situation to risk what it would take to impose change.

I don't think its anything to be proud of, but to be clear, I am condemning myself here as well.

You willing to compromise on gun control? Like allowing assault weapons but banning anyone from 18 or under from owning or using one?

A teen does not need access to that type of weapon.
Honestly, Classes on handling that type of weapon would be in order. The fact that anyone can get access to a weapon that sprays rounds in seconds is problematic.

I was trained in marksmanship. I went to Junior NRA classes at a Methodist church when I was a kid. My dad and brothers in law took me hunting.

The mindset today is so different now. I will leave that there.

Regarding abortion, I am not the gender who should be making any decisions on the matter.
I am in favor of whatever keeps the mom alive.
If a late term abortion is needed to keep her alive,
Then it is what it is..
It’s a medical procedure that is between the woman and her doctor..

No one else need apply to be involved. As far as clinic protests, those should be met with overwhelming forces.

The legal system / church doesn’t need to be involved abortion matters at all.

Agreed, but we all allow this to happen because it is far easier than what it would or could actually take to change such protesting and striking for weeks or months like the French willing to do that?

Protests are good things, particularly the type where there are no permits asked for..
We are a whipped culture, we have jobs and houses etc..and are scared of losing everything.

I am guilty as well. I have a good life. I will protest and make my opinions known.

I am all for a scaled government. I would prefer to see a system that works for all Americans.
We have given way too much power up for a variety of reasons.

Rights, managed with real responsibilities.
Our focus should be on domestic issues first.

I am at this point an irregular voter. I don’t fit into party structures.

The individual rights should always take precedence over special interests.
I dislike people who have all the answers, because for me that means, you have none.

Sorry for the ramble. I have some dissonant views.
The system I have works for me.
calicuz · 56-60, M
It's certainly headed that way. 🤔
popmol · 26-30, M
@calicuz well get them out :p to be honest o me any religious people are zealots but comparing the craziest over there to common ones over here woudl be an insult
calicuz · 56-60, M

Yes, the religious right can't be wrong....................... it's in the bible!!! 😂
popmol · 26-30, M
@calicuz nuttier than squirrel shit is pretty much made for those people.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
When will the government ban cigarettes to care about my health?
@MrBrownstone I would hold out for the “thanks for smoking card” from your favorite brand.
Disgustedman · 61-69, M
Yes, let's stop abortions.
@Disgustedman sure buddy
Pew pew pew
Lilnonames · F
But take your gun in to hospital and demand free care
popmol · 26-30, M
@Lilnonames go to prison and get healthcare there!
@Lilnonames too close too soon with things in Atlanta.

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