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I Like Revolvers More Than Semi-auto Handguns [Pro Gun]

This morning I went to the range before work. Enjoyed myself so much that I made up my mind to get a concealed carry permit so that I won't need to fill out more paperwork for each pistol I buy.

So far, all I have is a Smith & Wesson .38 special, but I plan to buy a .22 (probably a Ruger) in the near future and eventually either a .357 or a .44 special.

All I ever shoot at is paper targets, but I enjoy the novelty of different firearms.
Nice! I used to love going to the quarry, or the woods in my old backyard with my dad for target practice. I love the ways the cans make that "clink" and sometimes move. I wasn't a bad shot, either. But my dad, he made sure we knew how to handle a gun once we were old enough to really understand the devastating consequences of misusing them. And it takes so little to make a mistake. I still long to go hunting, at least once, to prove to myself that I could do what's necessary to truly survive, even taking an animal's life. That's something which terrifies me. If I were to follow certain inclinations I'd at least be a vegetarian, if not vegan. I'm more comfortable being with someone who carries responsibly than with someone who's terrified of guns. That's for sure. Anyway. That's just a hodge-podge of my thoughts and emotions today. Thanks for the share, Bob!
drymer · 56-60, M
If I lived in the US, I'd definitely collect guns, love them... Always wanted to have a Python .357, and I also have a thing for old guns, from WWI rifles to 18th century muskets...
DLTC85383 · 46-50, M
I reccomend the Ruger SR9. It is a great buy for the money. Check Academy Outdoors
GoodoldBob · 61-69, M
@DLTC85383 I am looking for a revolver though. I prefer them to semi autos
DLTC85383 · 46-50, M
@GoodoldBob Ruger makes many of those. Revolvers are very reliable due to their simplicity. The semiauto has the advantage of more rounds. It is all about preference. When looking go to a range/shop where you can rent before you buy.
GoodoldBob · 61-69, M
@DLTC85383 Yes. Yes indeed.

I never worry about the number of rounds. Paper targets don't shoot back and if I missed the hypothetical bad guy the first 10 or 12 times surely I would be dead by then. It is more about the sights and the feel of the trigger and knowing the round will go where you intended it to.
DLTC85383 · 46-50, M
Regardless what type of gun get out and practice often!! It is great stress therapy practicing at the range!
Livingwell · 61-69, M
Sounds fun. I don’t think the concealed will reduce the required background check paperwork on future purchases. I have one for two states. Still need a check for every purchase.
GoodoldBob · 61-69, M
@Livingwell Here there is a "pistol purchase permit" form that has to be filled out for each purchase but concealed carry permit holders can skip that
Livingwell · 61-69, M
@GoodoldBob Really? What state? On the west coast an FBI database check is done for each purchase. It’s meant to catch those that may have commited a crime in between renewal or things like domestic abuse.
GoodoldBob · 61-69, M
@Livingwell North Carolina. About half of us are Republicans here so it is fairly gun friendly ☺
I prefer a handgun... especially if you're going to carry concealed, but both certainly have their place.
GoodoldBob · 61-69, M
@SW-User A revolver is a handgun.
@GoodoldBob Yes, sorry. A semi-automatic handgun. Somehow I managed to erase that part while editing.

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