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I Believe Few Understand Obamacare

The CBO or the Congressional Budget Office just released their bipartisan report on the first year effects of repealing Obamacare.

To start 18 million people will lose their insurance. Here is the one that few Obamacare haters ever talked about. The CBO said to expect 20 to 30% rise in premiums and that's just the first year.

In the end the CBO concludes the number of Americans losing their insurance will cap out at 32 million and premiums will rise 20 percent higher.

Update: This is a worst case scenario and if there is a replacement the numbers will fall. I just have never believed the Republicans will ever get around to replacing Obamacare.
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krf336 · M
I don't think they should replace it. Although I am sure they will because governments do not give up power once they have it.

First, yes people will likely lose coverage. But can anyone provide the number of people who lost coverage because "they couldn't keep their doctor, or the insurance plan they liked" in addition to the ones that now cannot afford it because the costs skyrocketed.
No where in our constitution does it say that the government is responsible for providing or able to force a program like this on the american people.
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krf336 · M
No it does not say anything about abortion,
Or the right to marry, or the right to force someone to bake you a cake. It does say you have the right to your opinion, but not to force that opinion on others. It does not say that you cannot mention god in public or have to abandon your faith as a guiding principle if you run for office, or the right of the minority to over ride the rights of the majority.

It doesn't say anything about asking permission to buy a weapon or needing to fill out 15 pages of personal information every April.

Or that you have to voluntarily give up a percentage of your paycheck to cover medicare/medicaid or social security. It also doesn't promise you youll get that money back. When you reach 65.

It also doesn't say I have to read your opinion of a law that shouldnt exist... Nor does it say that because you think your right that's its the gospel and everyone else is crazy.

And no america DOES NOT have universal health care, and the Costs go up because there are millions of people who can't afford it and many who legally aren't supposed to be here or have access and the rest of america has to cover the cost.

Good lord, what are they teaching kids in school these days??

Life isn't fair, there are no participation trophies and while helping people is a great thing, you CANNOT lift people up by tearing everyone else down.

And if you like mass health so much.. Stay in mass. Why the hell would you place your health in the hands of the government, they cant even build a fucking website.

If you want to know how "great" it will be- look up some stats on the Veterans Administration health system the last few years, That exactly what it looks like.
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krf336 · M
Wow... Seriously?

First, go back to school, and learn more about the topic before you embarrass yourself some more.

Any power not specifically spelled out in that "old" document is reserved for the states and the people. THAT is what the "old" Document states, meaning the Federal government DOES NOT have the authority.

You can whine about "times changing" all you want, THAT is the LAW and its what this country was founded upon and governed by.

If you want to advocate getting rid of it or ignoring it then go somewhere else.

Secondly, I did give examples JUST LIKE the ONE you gave.

A real one, with tangible results.

The V.A.

Go take a look.

Speaking of voting and majority. The MAJORITY of people DONT like it, 60+ percent disapproved the last time I checked.

And next you'll say "he list the popular vote". Guess what, he still won. Get over it.

What percentage was it.. Like .1% that's not a majority that's a decimal point.

And did you really just try to explain away it away by saying "websites are hard"... Really?

Hillary Clinton had an illegal exchange server in her basement, the NSA can read every email and text message on Earth, but "Websites are hard".

This is a waste of time, you can't outline a coherent argument.
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krf336 · M
And saying your argument is better because "your in an educated state" is egotistical and idiotic.

You didn't even understand my argument did you, I can tell cause your response wasn't even regarding what I said.

I didn't say the FBI I said the NSA. And perhaps we are both wrong about the ACA, here is one example

Still negative.

And if you think the constitution is outdated, your proving that you and your state are not only uneducated, your unamerican.

Good luck, adulthood is going to be tough for you .
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krf336 · M
OK, Ill Bite.. here is an in order summary of your statements and my responses with a small amount of editing for clarification in case i wasn't clear the first time- i was all out of crayons and its hard to use a pop up picture book in this format.

-YOUR QUOTE: "How old is the constitution? I wonder of the constitution says anything about abortion..."

-MY RESPONSE: "No it does not say anything about abortion" .... "Any power not specifically spelled out in that "old" document is reserved for the states and the people. THAT is exactly what the "old" Document states, meaning the Federal government DOES NOT have the authority, nor does it have the authority to give it to itself, although thats what it has done with ACA, Abortion, Gun Control, Etc..." (minor editing)

-YOUR QUOTE "Also, who do you think raises health insurance prices?"

-MY RESPONSE: "and the Costs go up because there are millions of people who can't afford it and many who legally aren't supposed to be here or have access and the rest of america has to cover the cost."

Despite what some people seem to think, NOTHING is Free!

-YOUR QUOTE: "You complain that people can no longer afford health insurance which is counter-intuitive because *cough* *cough*, the US has universal health care!

-MY RESPONSE: "And no america DOES NOT have universal health care"
If we did there would be no need to enroll and this conversation would be only about the legality of Compulsory insurance- (See again the Constitution)
Look up the Definition of Universal Health care- here are 2 links to explain it-
-Note the Phrase "to all citizens of a particular country" CITIZENS is important (see Costs Going up)

YOUR QUOTE: "You complain about people losing their favorite doctors? How about people losing their lives? Scroll down and read my other comment to see what the ACA actually does."

This what stood out when i scrolled down. YOUR QUOTE: "I can understand that you do not like paying for others' heath insurance,.. (see my response to RISING COSTS).. but you must understand that universal health care affects everyone and is definitely a step in the right direction... (who gets to decide what the right direction is and if this is actually it? and there are a few things that i think you MUST UNDERSTAND but you just aren't getting it).. I don't know the exact details on ACA... (Yet your calling me an idiot and haven't even bothered to respond to the significant items... LIKE RISING COSTS AND CONSTITUTIONALITY)... but I know one day it will ideally model MassHeath, the universal health care we have in Massachusetts...(Who gets to decide if that is the IDEAL SYSTEM? and what if Mass system isn't what they go with? will it still be a good idea cause if it becomes UNIVERSAL like you want? your beloved MASS system will be GONE)"

MY RESPONSE: "If you want to know how "great" it will be- look up some stats on the Veterans Administration health system the last few years, That exactly what it looks like."

IF this wasn't clear this was a real world example of what GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTH CARE Looks like. I didn't mention it before but so we are clear i am a Veteran and i AM already using Government Run almost universal Health care so why should i think any other program would look different.

I speak from experience, not a idealistic view based on what a fantasy world i hope for in the future. And for what its worth if it was going to be as good as you imagine it, it might be worth it...

But here in the real world The future already here. Here are a few links to what this government run system looks like. (and yes they are news sites that might be biased- but do your own research and you'll find plenty of other sources)






Your young so i don't expect you'll change your view to much, but keep unmanned these aren't just random everyday people. These are American Soldiers, Marines, Sailors and Airmen that fought in WWII, Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan and everywhere else. Regardless of your stance on the war on the military they went because the GOVERNMENT asked them to and they were promised Health Care- and that ^^^^^ is what they are stuck with.

So at the very least, Perhaps you can understand why i say i don't want the government to have any part of the health of this nation, if it they can do that to veterans, who came back broken and bloodied, fighting battles they may not have even believed, what makes you think they have your best interests in mind? and that is the reason for my militant opposition on the issue.

Continuing on- MY RESPONSE Continued: "And if you like mass health so much.. Stay in mass. Why the hell would you place your health in the hands of the government, they cant even build a fucking website."

YOUR RESPONSE: "you make it sound easy to build a secure website. The most secure login system I've ever seen is PeopleSoft and the speed/quality of it sucks. Learn a little about server coding before you comment on the government's ability to host a website."

This is where you started to get really lost-

MY RESPONSE: "And did you really just try to explain away it away by saying "websites are hard"... Really?

Hillary Clinton had an illegal exchange server in her basement, the NSA can read every email and text message on Earth, but "Websites are hard".

I suppose this response was a little unclear so ill explain. Every government agency has its own network with private secure logons for every employee, there are at least 6 different types of classified networks with different levels of security on different machines that are linked around the globe. The Army, The Marines, The Navy, The Air Force all have their own individual secure website designed to keep every individual in service up to date as far as records, training and health and each individual has his own individual login to perform tasks. online 24/7 around the globe.
This is all on the open web. ( for example)
And the NSA has the ability to intercept, read and or Store meta data on everything on line- they can read our text messages and emails if they wanted to.

Knowing all of this^^^ Its laughable that they had a hard time building a website- and your response "websites are hard" was not a very well thought out response. So please show this to all of your classmates, maybe they can learn something

But i will admit that was not as clear as it could have been and since Peoplesoft is the most secure website you've seen i guess you wouldn't have known how idiotic it looked that they couldn't get a website to work.

YOUR QUOTE: "I meant sarcastically that just because the constitution does not cover something does not mean we ignore it."

MY RESPONSE: "Any power not specifically spelled out in that "old" document is reserved for the states and the people. THAT is what the "old" Document states, meaning the Federal government DOES NOT have the authority." ALSO SEE my previous Response on the constitution.

To be Clear, it does NOT mean WE ignore it- it means the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IGNORES IT!! As any power not spelled out and granted to it in the constitution is granted to the states or the Individual. Despite what some people believe now that the Government is our big national Provider of nourishment and safety- its a lie that has been spreading for years that needs to be put to rest. Feel Free to look that up, if you cant find it let me know ill provide a link and perhaps a few textbooks.

YOUR QUOTE: "I was hoping you would give me an argument about why the ACA is not good; instead I see a rant on you not liking the government when the majority of people have other ideas.
(Everyone is Free to have ideas, as am i, and i am free to explain why those ideas are flawed- as i am doing)

Most if not all of my quoted responses above were from the Posts BEFORE you claimed i didn't make sense, so regardless of whether you didn't understand them or chose to ignore them, they are there. and giving you the benefits of the doubt that they were hard to follow, i provided clarification.

YOUR QUOTE: "Like it or not, the government needs to address things."
(No it really doesn't, Legally can't and shouldn't- but that didn't stop them. See my previous responses on the constitution and the Veterans Administration)

YOUR QUOTE: "And with voting, we establish which direction the government will go."
(There was an election, the side that won doesn't agree with you, are you prepared to accept that?)

How is that forcing an idea on you?
(I was referring to 2 things here, First Congress changed the rules to pass this abortion in the middle of the night with no debate and no time to study it and said such things as "we need to pass this bill so we can find out whats in it" one of the stupidest things ever uttered by an elected Official. and then had to scramble to pass quick fixes just so it would work and then several Executive orders granting exemptions and things in a few cases (also not legal) then decided to delay certain parts of the law until it was more convenient (also not legal) [Also see my response on the constitution and legality] Second, your assumption that i didn't know what the ACA was or what it did and that i should "Scroll down and find out what it does", already having responded to that little nugget ill let that dead horse rot.)

MY RESPONSE: "Speaking of voting and majority. The MAJORITY of people DONT like it, 60+ percent disapproved the last time I checked. (Speaking of the ACA- more on this later)

And next you'll say "he lost the popular vote". Guess what, he still won. Get over it.

What percentage was it.. Like .1% that's not a majority that's a decimal point."

(Final Vote Tally- Clinton: 65,844,954 Trump: 62,979,879 for difference of 2,865,075

Total votes for both clinton and trump:128,824,833 so 2,865,075/128,824,833= .02
so not counting the votes for third party or write in's she won by a whopping 2%, but if you then consider that there are 300,000,000 ish people and the majority didn't vote, that really means little)

YOUR QUOTE: @krf336: your an idiot. Clinton had an email server. When you go on a website to see your emails, that is only a client for the exchange SMTP servers. I must show this to my fellow computer engineering students. You are too funny. The FBI can read her stuff because they physically have her server. What did you learn in school?

Already responded to some of this but... Please by all means show your classmates...

MY RESPONSE: "You didn't even understand my argument did you, I can tell cause your response wasn't even regarding what I said.

I didn't say the FBI I said the NSA."

(I didn't say anything about the FBI reading her email or having her servers????)

YOUR RESPONSE: "Also, I said FBI."

No clue how your got lost on this one.

YOUR QUOTE: ".1% that's not in the majority", what does that even mean? Who said anything about popular vote?"

See My earlier explanation- and yes this one was on me.

MY QUOTE: "Speaking of voting and majority. The MAJORITY of people DONT like it, 60+ percent disapproved the last time I checked."

YOUR RESPONSE: "Last time I checked, 60% approved ACA"

MY RESPONSE: "And perhaps we are both wrong about the ACA, here is one example "

This is the first link that came up, i don't know where it has gone after this... but this is a link that says 28% of people have been financially harmed by the ACA while 18% now are able to have insurance and 51% (DISAPPROVE of the ACA)

Here is one that shows the trend of for all of 2016- it varies but always negative.

YOUR QUOTE: "The constitution is outdated and is something that should be revised. You know that is why we have a Supreme Court, I don't know if you have learned about that yet in your state"

I responded to this in Multiple ways but i am tired so i will just say- THAT IS NOT WHY WE HAVE A SUPREME COURT, NOT EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE TO WHY WE HAVE A SUPREME COURT.
The only way the constitution can be AMENDED (updated is close enough so ill let it slide) is through a proposal of congress, that is passed and then Ratified (meaning approved of and agreed to) but at least 32 of the 50 states.

The Supreme court has NO POWER TO MAKE LAWS! Thats another frustrating thing today because the supreme court issues a ruling on something and people think "its now a law. They can strike down all or parts of laws that are already passed, they CANNOT GRANT RIGHTS OR MAKE NEW LAWS.

So to awnswer your Question- NO I DID NOT LEARN THAT IN MY STATE BECAUSE ITS NOT SOMETHING THAT IS TAUGHT! or sure as hell shouldn't be.

YOUR QUOTE: "I've given you facts and arguments but you can only manage to call me an idiot."

You called me an idiot first- i checked!

YOUR QUOTE: "Oh and I also forgot to ask of you really think illegal immigrants are successfully granted universal health care?"

MY RESPONSE: Yes that is what i think- since you admitted you don't know everything about the ACA I really think you don't have a leg to stand on, But ill give you a little to chew on.

When registering for healthcare under the ACA, does it ask if you are a citizen? (NO) Does it ask for Identification? (NO) Even if it did do you know how many states issue legal Identification to illegal immigrants? (More than a Few).

YOUR QUOTE: "I'm not talking to you about the constitution anymore. You insult my education when I live in one of the most educated states in the country."

I was questioning your education or intellect, not your state.
You could live in beverly hills in the back of your car, that doesn't make you rich.

You said the ACA was was Universal Health care - Not true
You said the Supreme Court was there to Update the Constitution- Not even Close to true- SO far from true i REALLY REALLY worry about the future of the country and your ability to function in society-
You said i had no facts or arguments- Yet thats all i put forth
You have given no facts or arguments other than to say you don't know everything about the ACA
You have continually insulted me and called me an idiot yet everything i have put forth pretty much shows the opposite is true.

I could go on, but i am bored with this.

Mic Dropped
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krf336 · M
Ok, next time wait till you have time to respond. Cause your claims of 60% approval with nothing to back them up are meaningless.

I provided evidence, you still haven't.

Saying it doesn't make it true even, if you went to school in massachusetts, and I can't trust you as a primary source.

Your Quote Again: "The constitution is outdated and is something that should be revised. You know that is why we have a Supreme Court"

That is your statement... In the English language, that sentence is implying that the "Supreme court is how we update the constitution."

Your words not mine.

And you then said, "The supreme court makes decision on the fairness of laws"

Which is also not true.

They rule on whether or not laws are legal and do not violate our constitution.

"Fair" is not a concern, there is always someone dissapointed. That's why things end up in court on opposite sides.
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krf336 · M
As I said, I am not impressed by your education thus far, telling me your attending some big name college isnt going to do it.

And yes I do work, but If you like i could tell you the status of my education, it might explain why I can rattle of an educated and coherent response so quickly.

Yes I said educated.
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krf336 · M
Sending an inbox (still with no evidence) and then blocking me so you can have the last word doesn't win anything.