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And The Supremes Are On A Roll

This morning, SCOTUS struck down the EPA's authority to force certain nationwide environmental standards. Add that to this list:

Separation of Church and State
Blocking states from enforcing their own gun control rules
Blocking women's right to choose
Disenfranchising minority voters through allowing politically-driven districting
WalksWith · 56-60, F
To recap, the Supreme Court has gutted the civil rights of pregnant people, the voting rights of Black people, the sovereignty of tribal nations, the authority of the federal government to enforce regulations, and the ability of states to enact gun safety laws.

And the walking trumpdead thinks this is minimizing the government? Un-fucking-believable.
@WalksWith It sort of is minimizing good government, though.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@WalksWith if it was part of a movie, we'd call it unbelievable in such a short span of time. But then, we've been in the Upside Down for a while.
Graylight · 51-55, F
The Supreme Court curtailed the Environmental Protection Agency’s powers to restrict greenhouse-gas emissions from power plants, in a decision that could limit the authority of government agencies to address major policy questions without congressional approval.

Elaborating on earlier decisions, the high court said federal agencies need explicit authorization from Congress to decide issues of major economic and political significance, drawing on a principle known as the “major questions doctrine.”

In his decision for the 6-3 majority, Chief Justice John Roberts said Congress never gave the EPA the authority to change the methods a power plant uses—regulations known as “generation shifting” requirements.

Chief Justice Roberts said that forcing a nationwide transition away from coal may be a sensible idea, but the EPA cannot do so without a clear authority from Congress.
Wall Street Journal

Because at the end of the day, everything is political and politics is just a tug of war.
WalksWith · 56-60, F
I can't decide if I am angry or sad... really, really hate this timeline.
Moxymoxy · F
If I'm properly understanding this...
If/when Congress is under complete Republican control such a time means the EPA would be powerless to enforce any environmental regulations because Republicans would never authorize it. Is that correct?
Graylight · 51-55, F
@Moxymoxy Good times, huh?
Northwest · M
@Moxymoxy The EPS administrator is a Cabinet level position that must be approved by the Senate. So, kind of.
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So much for “state’s rights", even.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@SomeMichGuy Yup. Under His Eye.
Northwest · M
@Graylight Praise be.

The Sec of the Interior under Reagan, opened up all federal natural resources. According to him, it did not matter, because the second coming was happening on Dec 31, 1999.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@Northwest We've always been like this, haven't we? This is just an Indian summer for lunacy.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Next up: interracial marriage with Uncle Clarence Thomas writing the dissent.

That will be after they ban contraception and marriage not approved by the Christotaleban.
Let um keep up their nonsense guarantees that america will be blue for a looooonnngggg time lets see who they make mad next then we can fix it
Yep, but Biden at least isn't forced to keep "remain in Mexico."
Northwest · M
@MistyCee Yes, the one thing they plan on using against him come November.
@Northwest True
Up next: reinstating gerrymandering (ok, technically you covered that)

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