Will we ever know the full truth about any mass shooting?
Law enforcement allowed Texas shooter to commit mass murder by BLOCKING parents from saving their children
We will never know the truth anymore regarding any of these mass shooting incidents. The government and certain members of the police and FBI can no longer be trusted. No longer can these authorities be expected to save lives above everything else.
Barack Obama and an army of leftists have infiltrated every part of our government and society. We exist within a nightmarish leftist dystopia which we never had the wisdom to foresee.
God help us all, when tragedies will be used to advance gun control and the elimination of the sacred second amendment, our nation is finished. Once the Left completes their final heinous act: complete gun control confiscation. Then and only then will the Chinese tanks roll up the streets of America.
We will never know the truth anymore regarding any of these mass shooting incidents. The government and certain members of the police and FBI can no longer be trusted. No longer can these authorities be expected to save lives above everything else.
Barack Obama and an army of leftists have infiltrated every part of our government and society. We exist within a nightmarish leftist dystopia which we never had the wisdom to foresee.
God help us all, when tragedies will be used to advance gun control and the elimination of the sacred second amendment, our nation is finished. Once the Left completes their final heinous act: complete gun control confiscation. Then and only then will the Chinese tanks roll up the streets of America.
56-60, M