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America's Upcoming Bankruptcy Foreign and Domestic

How is it that a bankrupt US Government can justify Endless Warfare on the other side of the World Community when it doesn’t have ANY Money to pay the (Unfunded Liabilities) obligations it promised its own Citizenry?!

We are a Country drowning in the sea of the US Government's Bull****... In 2024, The American Public, Taxpayers, and Consumers saw the rise in Government's Foreign and Domestic BS. The Militarized Police Forces continued unabated with Local Departments increasingly resembling extensions of the Military. Schools meant to be places of learning and growth, became Prison-like and implemented “Safety” measures that criminalize minor infractions and create fear. The Right to Private Property eroded since the Government empowered itself to seize Assets. Homelessness worsened, Cities criminalizing homelessness. Military Veterans are treated with suspicion and Surveillance.

With every new Law enacted by Federal and State Legislatures, every new ruling handed down by Courts, and every new Military Weapon, invasive Tactic, and egregious protocol employed by Government Agents, we're reminded that, “WE THE PEOPLE” possess no Rights except for that which the Deep State grants on an As-Needed Basis.

Surveillance eroded Privacy. The Facial Recognition Technology expanded into our lives, with vast amounts of our Biometric Data collected without our knowledge or consent, eroding our anonymity and enabling unprecedented tracking of our movements. Data Breaches exposed the vulnerability of our personal information.

Protest Laws and Free Speech zones made it more difficult for Citizenry to exercise their First Amendment rights. Social media Companies engaged in Censorship of viewpoints they deemed unacceptable. This Censorship created an Echo Chamber and limits the free flow of information.

The Constitution invests the President with very specific, Limited powers. Bill Clinton, Baby Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Genocide Joe have claimed the power to completely and almost unilaterally alter the landscape of this country. The Powers amassed by each successive Administration through the negligence of Congress and the Courts—empowered whoever occupied the Oval Office to be a Dictator or Oligarch, above the Law and beyond any real accountability. The Presidency itself is nothing more than an extension of the Iron Fist.

The Endless Wars for Oil drove the Nation into a Debt Cesspool. Policing the World hasn’t made America safe by any stretch of the imagination—or the rest of the World. It's made the Military Industrial Complex rich at Taxpayer's expense.

The Courts failed to uphold Justice. Time and time again, the Supreme Court failed to right the wrongs of the US Police State. A review of critical Court rulings reveals a Pro-Police State rulings by an institution concerned more with protecting the Oligarchy and Government Agents than with upholding the Rights enshrined in the Constitution.

Not content to expand the Police State’s power to Search, Strip, Seize, Raid, Steal from, Arrest, and Jail Americans for any infraction. The Kangaroo Courts continued jailing individuals unable to pay the hefty fines imposed by the US Police State. These Debtors’ Prisons play right into those who make a profit by jailing American Consumers. This is no longer a Government “Of the People, By the People, For the People.” It's a Government “Of the Rich, By the Elite, For the Corporations,” its predicated on shackling American Taxpayers to a Debtors’ Prison guarded by Politicians, Bureaucrats, and Militarized Police.

Local Police Agencies continued acquiring Weaponry, Training and Equipment suited for the Battlefield. There are Bureaucratic (non-Military) Government Civilians armed with High-tech, Deadly weapons than US Marines.

Schools turned into Prisons. So-called School “Safety” policies from Zero Tolerance policies that punish all infractions harshly to Surveillance Cameras, Metal Detectors, Random Searches, Drug-sniffing Dogs, School-wide Lockdowns, Active-shooter Drills and Militarized Police Officers, turned young people into Prisoners.

The Government waged a renewed War on Private Property. We no longer have any real Property Rights. That House you live in, the Car you drive, whatever Money you manage to keep in your Bank Account after the Government has taken their 1st and 2nd and 3rd cut. At no point do you ever have any real ownership in anything other than the clothes on your back. Everything else is seized by the Government (Civil Asset Forfeiture, unpaid Taxes, Eminent Domain, Public Interest, etc.)

The excellent Book "Battlefield America: The War on the American People" makes it very clear: The gravest threat facing the United States in 2025 and beyond isn't Extremism but Despotism, exercised by an Oligarchy whose only Allegiance is to Power and Money.
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Broache73 · 51-55, F

The most important “Human Right” is to be left alone in Peace. Whenever a Government gets involved in Other People’s Private affairs, there's havoc and chaos. The US Government is the greatest danger to both World Peace and Human Rights. It’s quite Orwellian that the American Taxpayers nor Sovereign Countries can be left alone to work things out for and take care of themselves. You cannot change a Culture. When you try to, you wind up with chaos. That’s what the US Government created in Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, and everywhere else it sticks its nose.

The intelligent US Foreign Affairs is to withdraw ALL Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines from around the World Community. Foreign Nationals don’t want and need US Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines on their Sovereign Countries and Territory any more than American Voters want Iranian, African, or Korean Military Members parading through the streets and maybe breaking down doors at 3:00 AM. If you want to “Support the Troops” get the Hell out of other Countries' Business and their Territories.

Next step; Cut off ALL Foreign Aid, nothing more than a transfer program of about $50 Billion per year from Impoverished People in the US to Rich people in Impoverished Countries skimmed of the top by Corrupt cronies.

Osama bin Laden wanted 3 things;

• First, he wanted Infidel Soldiers out of the Homeland of the prophet, a reasonable request.

• Second, he wanted the US to stop replacing Middle Eastern Leaders with Quislings, and interfering with Local Politics. Another reasonable request. The United States has no more right to interfere in the Politics of Middle Eastern Countries than Foreign Nationals would interfering in US Politics.

• Third, he wanted the US to stop supporting Israel. Once again, a very reasonable request. Being friendly towards all is one thing, getting involved in other people’s Local squabbles, regardless of who we think is the good or bad guy at the moment is None of Our Damned Business.

Of course, my saying something Osama bin Laden said was reasonable is like saying something that Hitler said was reasonable, it doesn’t matter who says something. The facts speak for themselves. And—just to head off hysterics—no, I neither like nor support either Osama or Adolf.

“War is the health of the State” as Randolph Bourne said. Specifically, the rapid rise of the Domestic Surveillance Apparatus, the curtailments of Civil Liberties, and the turbocharging of Militarized Local Police… they’re all connected to the US bungled Foreign Affairs.

Related is the inane expression “If you have nothing to Hide, you have nothing to Fear.” Well, if that’s true then the Political Indentured Servants on Capitol Hill and their Corporate Paymasters should be very happy to post their Tax Returns on the Internet, have microphones and cameras in every room of their homes, and they ought to be perfectly happy when they’re having a private conversation in their living room to have it available to anybody that wants to listen.

The ability to maintain Privacy separates civilized Men from primitives in mud huts. In a primitive society you have Zero Privacy, your neighbors can see and hear absolutely everything that goes on through the paper-thin walls of your hut. Privacy is something that grows with civilization. These people aren't any different from Stalin, Lenin, Ceausescu, or Pol Pot.

The Righteous Busybodies at Airports in the US who yell about "Unattended Baggage" are really just chimpanzees. They got this behavior from the Government… Monkey see, Monkey do. I said to them sarcastically “See something, say something”, but they didn’t think I was kidding. They thought I approved of what they were doing. No Other Countries ask you the kinds of questions or seem so anxious to go through your laundry. Although Canada and Australia closely following the US.

The US has declined into Humiliation, Irrelevance, and an utter Black Hole of Debt—. It’s paranoid and thinks it’s under Attack, when actually it’s the Terrorist Threat.

It’s really shameful that the US has turned into both a Welfare State—with 50% of the Citizenry reliant upon the Government—and a Warfare State. The worst of both worlds.

The Bubble Economy has already collapsed—and Trump hasn't left Office yet—it’s going from depressing to scary. If major Warfare starts, it’s terrifying at that point since you won’t have any Rights. The American Voters will approve of it, however. Your Life and Property are becoming the Property of the State that you approved. Be careful what you wish for, you get what you want, you don't always want what you get...
Reason10 · 70-79, M
Boys and girls, it all ends by 2030, unless DOGE is successful in stopping the hemmorhaging of American dollars and deficit spending.

The Kerrey/Danforth Report spelled it all out.

No welfare checks. No government. No defense. JUST INTEREST ON SOCIAL SECURITY DEBT.,


Keep it up, MOOCHERS. Watch our economy go down the toilet, just because you're too fcking lazy to get a job.
Kypro · 51-55, M
@Reason10 that’s what billionaires want you to think. They get much of our taxes
Kypro · 51-55, M
Because corporations and billionaires pay no taxes. If they did we wouldn’t be in debt.
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
So, what is your solution?
MethDozer · M
Capitalism yo.

Private property is theft. They aren't trying to take it away. The whole system is there a long with police to defend private property. Now personal property, they want that to be private property too and just force us to rent.
Briggett · T
@MethDozer welcome to the subscription society. If don’t already own what ever it is you probably want own it in the future either.
You can only get as much as you can afford. It’s that simple way the whole time. Certain groups of people have telling you this for better than seventy-five years or more. Now the not so average American is caught up. Ouch
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
CUZ Un iZ MinIoNz anDZ we De ElitEZ OwNz U
Military industrial complex profiteering.

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