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Riders On The Storm

Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Into this house we're born
Into this world we're thrown
Like a dog without a bone
An actor out on loan
Riders on the storm

As the world is thrown into chaos by the antics of Trump the lyrics from the 1970 classic song "Riders on the Storm" is a stark reminder of how our future will unfold. No other words describe the current events unfolding other than with malicious intent. Our "fearless leader " has shown complete distain for millions not only here in the US but other nations as well. Just within the first week of January 20th the American public and many leaders around the world have seen the true extent of Trump's audacity toward the rule of law.

It has since come to pass that the election that propelled Trump to a second term was actually the result of purging voter rolls previous jerry maundering in certain districts, and uncounted votes. And now we are faced with the consequences. It didn't help either that millions failed to participate in the democratic process. Now the US is faced with an elected official who should have had his candidacy nulled for elected office in the first place. But no, the election went ahead fooled by a beguiled public. As a result, we are left with Watabe dictator. We can no longer ignore the abuse of power by the MAGA following for if we sit ideally by we will suffer the consequences of our inaction.

Many historians now can relate that Thomas Jefferson did warn us about the abuses of power in the first two paragraphs of The Declaration of Independence.in relation to Donald Trump and his cult following. Many scholars have empathically stated the US is on the same pattern of events that Ancient Rome followed. Lessons that history is supposed to teach us have been tragically ignored for years.

Now the questions we all should be asking ourselves since our credibility as a nation is under attack in the eyes of the world: what recourses can the public make to ensure the US doesn't end up like Ancient Rome? Do we still have elected officials who abide by the rule of law and our Constitution? Now is the time to remember this in the Declaration of Independence "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

There is right now an organized effort to unite behind articles of impeachment that is unprecedented in our history for a newly sworn in President. We have to always remember what the signers of The Declaration of Independence and our Founding Fathers sacrificed in order to establish a more perfect union. And today we have drifted far away from that more perfect union... As a nation we are more divided than ever. Our trust in government has eroded from years of disingenuous foreign and domestic policies along with horrendous Supreme Court rulings. And then came Trump which capitalized on our gullibility and promised the world which he knew he only wanted that age old selfish quest for power, control and wealth all at the expanse of the American public.

Remember it is our right; it is our duty to throw off such government that Trump is imposing and now provide safeguards for our future security. Let us not fall prey to being recipients of history of nations rising only to fall.
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JollyRoger · 70-79, M
My friend!..... Do not panic! Canada is still your friend - we see the trouble you are in and we empathize.... Yes, we empathize because we are on the verge of having a self-centred non-statesman possibly being elected to run our country. Fortunately for us, we can remove our Prime Minister by a simple vote as he/she has to conform to the will of his/her party politics and he/she does not have to be in violation of our Charter of Rights for that to happen.

Bottom line: Should you need support from us, we will be pleased to offer you membership as our 11th Province or our 4th Territory. You will find your Governors - cum "Premiers" will have equal footing before our Parliament ; Your Senators, deed-proven worthy people, will be appointed by our Parliament, based on the population of your territory to vote to reflect the diversity within that territory and ensure that your cultural rights and rites are protected. You may openly approach them and they will respond to you with no need for lobbying or surreptitious payment for their service. You, through our system of taxation will find that you have more than adequate means for 'tax-sheltering' a portion of your wealth while contributing another portion to the welfare of your neighbours and to the medical system that we are all enabled to use freely. Despite the rhetoric being thrown upon us by your new President, we are NOT a needy country: We have more natural resources per-capita than your nation and we DO support your nation with them - contrary to what your President thinks. We do have debt but that debt has been incurred by us offering safety and salvation to other people in other countries where they feel oppressed. We do not have (many) people running around with guns indiscriminately taking the law into their own hands and threatening to shoot anyone who questions their attitudes and tactics. We live our faith in God freely with no political interference or gesturing from the pulpits about how we should live our lives - provided that we live them with respect for each other.
Come visit us..... You'll find that we are friendly (we know our neighbours), and we have beautiful scenery and landscapes that are open to the public with no charges for admission or (perhaps) for minimal maintenance fees - NOT for private profit!
CANADA - Our home ON Native land (we recognize we came here as settlers - not landlords).
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@Reason10 Which bothers you most: That The Doors were dis-invited to Woodstock or that President tRump has a rigorous agenda and no patience that causes many people lots of worry?
A true 'Statesman' will try to find a way to achieve his/her objectives through negotiation and reason, not through angry rhetoric, threats and violent upheaval. I'm sure President tRump has a goal aimed at making the USA stronger.....however he's 'shooting himself in the foot' by trying to trample on the USA's relationships with other nations.
You call yourself 'Reason 10' - what does that mean to you?
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@JollyRoger To bring you up to speed, when I first began surfing online political message boards (probably when they first came into existence) I originally wanted to use the screen name Reason, as in the Reason Foundation. (Back then, libertarian thought was making the rounds and capturing the imagination of a lot of conservatives) https://reason.org/

At the one forum, there were NINE Reason posters. So I became Reason10. That name stuck with me through the next 30 years.

As far as President Trump, most of America is pretty excited that he wants to fulfill his campaign promises. He got the Laken Riley act through Congress and will sign it soon. https://www.foxnews.com/video/6367936910112

Trump's el primo campaign issue (deporting illegal alien animals) is moving along just fine. Of course, he's just getting rid of the actual CRIMINALS, (animals who came here and have been arrested for committing crimes like rape, murder, larceny, etc). So he is already making America safer by getting those animals off the streets and headed back to the shithole countries who vomited them here in the first place.

Oh, and THIS shit
has ended. Our Commander In Chief has deployed our military to the borders to turn those animals back.

That will probably have the effect of no more drug cartels being able to get rich off transporting thousands through the jungles of Central America to violate our borders.

It hasn't even been two weeks and America is much better off with Trump as president.

I thought this thread was a little weird because of the reference to The Doors. I was a fan of them way back in the Sixties and Seventies. I felt so sorry for Philip Rothschild (President of Electra Records), who got burned earlier on by Janis Joplin and her self destructive behavior. He invested a lot of dough in The Doors. (You can imagine the cost of The Soft Parade, with all that orchestration and the long list of top LA studio players.) And Jim just took a giant shit on that franchise with his drug use and nutball behavior.

I wasn't a fan of the Door's image. I was a fan of their music. In the late Sixties, it was truly unique.
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@Reason10 Thanks for the backgrounder on yourself! I agree about Jim Morrison.... but, a druggie is a druggie and the same for Janis: people who get 'hooked' are no longer 'people' they are simply 'slaves'. AS for P. tRump.... he really needs to improve his approach to dealing with other countries (like mine - Canada)....WE OWE THE USA NOTHING. We hold our own, we help the world in other ways than by military might and we do it proportionally to our population and our GDP - our reserves of which has been slashed by our devotion to saving our population through the Covid pandemic and through taking in and supporting refugees from war-ravaged countries. And: Yes, there are many people knocking on the door of the USA - and if your Immigration Services were less paranoid and better planned, there would be fewer 'wet-backs' and more legals added to your need for laborers.
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Reason10 · 70-79, M
A couple of things:
1. The Doors were such an amazing musical act of the Sixties that the record industry created the label Acid Rock for them, (even though their sound was more Jazz like than anything else. But it was the nut job antics of Jim Morrison (whose legal problems really heated up when he pulled his dick out at a Miami concert) that caused the Doors to be DISINVITED to Woodstock. Can you just imagine that? Woodstock, the supreme counter culture event, with all the best protest rock acts, and the first ACID ROCK band was disinvited?

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You claim to be in your 70's, but act more like a spoiled 20 year old that has been spoon fed lies. If you truly are in your 70's, you should be old enough to remember the pre establishment days before the Clinton 90's.

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