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BRICS nations are a worry

Elessar · 26-30, M
They hate each other slightly less than they hate the rest of the world.

It's a party of knives, more than an alliance.
@Elessar it's about me. Y'all are doing it. Ecocide is available to yall. Security is war. Borders are cutting the grass. You win.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Roundandroundwego Yeah I'm sure Putin cares about the environment lmao
@Elessar Seems like you are the only one who takes Dugin's writing seriously. 😂

And your analysis of China reads like the Falun Gong nuts who have been predicting the fall of China once a month since 1989.

You missed the point. Almost 2 billion people out of 7 billion directing global trade is a hell of a lot closer to democratic than 300m dictating global policy to 8 billion.

The EU and the G7 are yesterdays news and have been on the decline for half a decade while the opposite is true of BRICS.

Sorry man but you sound like a Limey desperately trying to cope with the fact Britain is not an empire anymore.

It is the same desperate clinging to the past and pretending the current reality is just a fluke that will pass.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Russia and China are all buddy buddy. What could possible go wrong ?
@Elessar So now we are taking random anecdotes from people who don't live in the country and just treating their opinions as government policy?

That is a choice. Don't forget alot of Russians in Europe in particular are connected to oligarchs who left after they were no longer allowed to freely loot the country under the watchful eye of every western government's favourite president Yeltsin the permanently drunk.

Putin and Trump do not have thee same policies and Putin is not a cliche as much as you are desperate to pretend he is. In fact they are very very different. Navalny another ethno nationalist is by far the closer comparison. It is also why Navalny is hated at home by many. Having 27 million of your people killed by ethno nationalists does that to a country.

And your claims about the Russian government funneling billions to Trump is painfully obviously bullshit because literally his entire campaign would be in chains if there was any truth to that.

That is 2016 era Steele Dossier Russiagate bullshit. Democrat Q Anon.

Fun fact. Putin did actually say if given a choice who he would prefer Trump or Biden. And he said Biden.

He said a predictable cold war dinosaur was far better for Russia than an unpredictable and unstable nutjob like Trump.

Putin is and always has been pragmatic.

The anti LGBT stuff is the doing of the Orthodox Church much like the Protestant church in the USA for the same reasons.

And an incompetent strongman who doesn't care about democracy is exactly what the US championed in Russia. It is why Yeltsin is the only Russian president ever supported by the US and praised while he was drunk and shelling the Duma.

And you seem determined to pretend bog standard social conservatism that exists across the world is somehow something unique now.

And as for citation on Russian policy it is very public knowledge. Good example is the Russian equivalent of a State of the Union which is translated in multiple languages.

And the fact that they are to the left of the Democrats is simply a fact.

And again I am not the one dragging out decades old anti soviet tropes and cliches and channeling Hillary Clinton.

All you need to know about Western Russian relations is the only Russian politicians the west has ever championed was a permanently drunk and violent fool and an ethno nationalist.
@Elessar Something to understand about Western foreign policy. Russia, China, and Iran are three countries where the media or really anyone can make shit up and it is immediately declared fact and if it is proven wrong there are zero consequences and where anything up to including organizations run by cults are accepted as legitimate media sources in the case of China.

As long as the press is all negative of course.
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Only because the "west" is in the losing camp. If you are in the global south things are looking up.
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