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The new Congress will be Republican- and the charges against Trump will go away, right?

The Democrats ran out the clock again, didn't they?
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Reason10 · 61-69, M
The ONLY reason the FBI staged that illegal raid of Mar A Lago is because the Democrats are desperate enough (and stupid enough) to try to put Trump into this race. They somehow believe that they can keep control of Congress. They also do no realize most of America is STILL pissed about Joe winning a presidency from voter fraud. And most of America STILL thinks Trump was the greatest president of all time.
Bring on the charges. Every new headline of this left wing lie is just another 10,000 votes for a Republican in Congress. Bring it on.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Reason10 Wow, wrong on every count. Exercising a legal subpoena to obtain stolen records followed the legal process, and was legal. Most of America knows Biden won a free and fair election. There was no voter fraud except for a couple of individual cases, and most of those were Republicans voting for Trump twice or more. The majority of Americans do not believe Trump was the greatest president of all time. In fact, he was one of the worst--certainly amongst the bottom three.

Charges are coming, as are convictions. If you are going to riot to prevent the rule of law, bring it on.
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Reason10 · 61-69, M
@windinhishair Nope. Joe did NOT win 80 legal votes. The raid was illegal. Charges are not coming, any more than that million dollar Robert Mueller witch hunt that produced nothing. Trump was the greatest president in history and most of America knows it. And the goose stepping Democrats have made the mistake of including him in their feeble campaign. The Trump brand is going to help take that gavel away from Nazi Pelosi. Joe WILL be impeached. His disastrous economic policies WILL be rolled back. And Trump will win his THIRD landslide victory in 2024, but this time the 2000 Mules will not succeed in stealing an election.
If you don't like that, it's your problem.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Reason10 You are a troll, and not a very good one. Try having some facts. That would make your trolling more plausible.
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@windinhishair Actually, I'm discussing the issue, same as everyone else. If you do not like being disagreed with, your problem is a lack of maturity. You are not entitled to win every argument. You have LOST this argument. And a troll didn't defeat you. I merely used a superior argument and logic. And I promise you that I will not lose one second of sleep over your triggered, entitled tantrum.
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windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Reason10 You have no facts, no logic, and no case. You have lost big time to another non-Trump Cult member. But then, that always happens.
@Reason10 Oh, THOSE files? They were planted He declassified them He sent all the classified info back He declassified all the stuff the FBI planted and that was sent back Meadows was supposed to organize that. Where is he? It was the movers Everybody takes work home He was keeping them safe from spies. Obama did it too Deep state Fourth Amendment Fifth Amendment Let’s see the warrant Oh. Well, where are the affidavits? Third world country Melania’s closet It was padlocked Passports! Russia Hoax Inflation Hillary’s emails Hunter's laptop Obama judge But Biden Soros! Declassified Special Master - Not that Special Master -
Reason10 · 61-69, M
I only have facts.
@Ryderbike LOl. You are delusional if you believe that. Even his own lawyers won't back that claim because they know it will be the end of their careers at a minimum if not prison.

No surprise though. The Trump cult has been making excuses for treason for 2 years already.
@Reason10 agreed.

So why is trump still squealing about the election ?
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@Ryderbike You're starting to remind me of a KKK rally, with all this irrational hate, and the lies. It's really unbecoming, but not surprising.
The clinical term is
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@Ryderbike Why did the Hillary goose steppers squeal for THREE YEARS, forcing a special prosecutor named Robert Mueller to waste taxpayer dollars on the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA lie? Why did Algore whiners spend EIGHT YEARS trying to claim Bush didn't win in Florida. Before you throw stones, you might want to check the status of your glass walls. Fact is, Joe did NOT legally win that election. And facts don't care about your feelings.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Reason10 The KKK supports Trump and many Cult members belong to it. When did you join?
@Reason10 Well for one Al Gore actually won the election. George W Bush was installed by the SCOTUS.

Completely different thing. Actual evidence supports that.

And you are still whining about Hillary almost a decade later. Blame everyone else. The GOP motto.
Reason10 · 61-69, M

The KKK is originally a DEMOCRAT PARTY terrorist group. You probably didn't know this but the KKK was at one time powerful enough to influence the choice of Supreme Court nominees from presidents. The KKK of today has zero power and is hardly worth mentioning. Those idiots lost their power when the Republican Party forced the passage of the Civil Rights Act and overturned the Democrat party Jim Crow laws.
The KKK might qualify as part of the Alt Right, a very small sector of America. In a lot of ways, the Alt Right has a lot in common with the Woke Left. Both CULT groups (since you seem aroused by the word "cult") believe in identity politics. Both groups employ identity politics to further their minority, anti American views. And both are a MINORITY of American public opinion.
Most of America supported Trump and still do. The cult is that small group of idiots who STILL think that Joe has done anything positive for America.
@Reason10 Dude, nobody cares about the 1920s. The KKK has been in lockstep with the GOP since the 70s.
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow That is a LIE.
Algore LOST the election on Election Night. It was a small margin. When the military absentee votes came in, that margin was enlarged, even as Algore campaign workers tried to get those military votes TOSSED. The Florida Supreme Court violated the 14th Amendment and the United States Supreme Court overturned that.
Here's the case.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Reason10 It was supported by Democrats before southern white racists became Republicans in the 1960s and 1970s. Surely you knew that. The KKK still exists and is populated by despicable people like yourself. How long have you been a member?

The Civil Rights Act was passed during the Democratic presidency of Lyndon Johnson. He knew at the time that this would cause racists to turn Republican, and they are still the backbone of the GOP.

Most of America did not support Trump. He lost the popular vote both times he ran (by 2.8 million and 7.2 million votes, respectively), as he will if he runs again. Americans have never supported Trump, and never will. Get used to it.
@Reason10 how many republicans in the south voted for the civil rights act?

I’ll give you a hint .it’s less than 1,
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow That is a lie. You forget about the SEGREGATIONIST Democrats at the time: George Wallace, Lestor Maddox, Ernest Hollings JR. ALL racists, and ALL Democrats. (To bring you up to speed, Hollings was the one who hoisted the Confederate Flag over the South Carolina state house.) And Hollings remained in office well into the 80s.
Albert Gore Sr, as well as Clinton mentor William Fulbright, voted AGAINST the Civil Rights Act.
And be careful who you try to pin the KKK tag on. Clinton mentor and good friend Robert Byrd (D, W Va) was a Keagle in the KKK.
To date, NO KKK member in the Republican Party was ever elected to national office.
When the KKK was relevant, it was YOUR side of the aisle. Today, it is irrelevant.
Reason10 · 61-69, M
@Ryderbike Neither did a host of Democrats.
@Reason10 No lie. The Southern Strategy is well established American history most Republicans don't even deny. Just the racists that hide behind ancient history. Interesting how you conveniently skip over half a century and pretend it is the same as it was in 1920 in 2022.
@Reason10 it’s interesting that blacks know which party is racist and vote accordingly .

How does that feel white boy right winger ?
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow When people have no facts on their side, they will go back as many centuries as possible to explain away their despicable actions in the currrent time. That pretty much sums up today's Republicans.