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Should all government employees be at will?

My personal first thought is hell no, but the reality is, there's something to be said for an administration being able to flush out the funkies from the last one.

I really do get the dangers of an old Russian style bureaucrat class running their stuff no matter who's in charge, but at the same time, I've recently seen what looks like an inspector general covering up for the guy who hired him in the first place without apparent justification.

Could be, that the liberal media has silenced his response of course, or even that he shouldn't have to account to a corrupt media and disloyal citizenship which has been brainwashed by thousands of years of liberal brainwashing about honesty as opposed to loyalty and maybe even a Jew misreading the word of G-d on Mt Sinai, but this shit smells nasty to me.
Graylight · 51-55, F
With an office (generally speaking, elected office) that relies so heavily on public opinion, linking job security to popular attitude seems a dangerous idea.

However, while the people elect and employ these public servants, that doesn't in any way mean they can't be held to a separate code of conduct in order to maintain and perform their duties. Should they find themselves in violation of those parameters, they would be terminated for cause.
Ynotisay · M
"Schedule F would burn down the civil service system. It would be a government of the lawless leading the incompetent."
Annnnd scene.
Carla · 61-69, F
The loyalist thing gives me the eeby jeebies.
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
They should be placed on an immediate probationary status, then fired at will. All should reapply and have thorough new background checks done on them.
No rights, seven days a week, living in the car.
Like the yard service, janitor and security guards do.b you know -. Murkans are slaves.
TexChik · F
Yes, Trump is going to have to fire a lot of lib bureaucrats in 24. The entire justice department for starters. He should start taking applications now. 🤣
eli1601 · 70-79, M
I wonder who the 80k IRS workers the dims want to hire will target. I'm guessing it won't be Schumer or Manchin.
beckyromero · 36-40, F
No, patronage was a big problem in the 19th Century.
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