After WWII, every participating nation had a massive deforestation problem, topsoil pouring into the sea.Fascism and the environmental problem are old buddies. Unconcern is the emblem of fascists everywhere in every era.
How to identify fascism? A strong leader that is very nationalistic, narcissistic, Hateful, abusive, violent, and will eventually kill.We cannot repeat history Please watch this video with Rick Steve, on fascism. (1)
Scenes in Lagos, Nigeria yesterday. Sounds “vaguely” familiar.(Quote) (Quote) Sources say that the army was blocking ambulances from tending to the wounded. Violating medical neutrality is a war crime. The state... See More » (2)
3 Presidents removed from power in 4 years, meeting in a neighboring country to avoid prosecution from the government that ousted them.Question of the day: “He asked whether it is normal for the EU of the 21st century that the last three presidents of an EU territory have been persecuted for defending ideas and executing non-violent actions’ or if it is ‘ethical’ for Catalonia to... See More »
No words for this one, it speaks for itself.(Quote) (Quote)