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I Hate Political Corruption


Violent crimes committed by illegal immigrants often cause angry reactions about sanctuary cities. However, statistics don’t seem to bear out that these cities have higher violent crime rates.

Mother Jones cited figures from the Center for Immigration Studies and FBI Uniform Crime Report, comparing murders in San Francisco, a sanctuary city, with those in similarly sized nonsanctuary cities.

San Francisco had 5.75 murders per 100,000 residents in 2013, according to the reports. The rates were higher among nonsanctuary cities. Indianapolis had 15.17 murders per 100,000 followed by Dallas, 11.39; Columbus, 11.06; Jacksonville, 10.99; and Fort Worth, 6.08. [1]

A 2013 study by the Department of Urban Planning and Policy at the University of Illinois-Chicago found that immigration enforcement caused distrust in the legal system by legal and illegal immigrants.

The survey of Latinos in Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, and Phoenix showed that 45 percent were less likely to report a crime because of the enforcement.

Nick Gillespie, editor in chief of, pointed out that many crimes have declined in the country during the past 20 years while the foreign-born population has increased. He wrote that the issue of illegal immigrants involved in crime receives more attention when a high-profile murder occurs in a sanctuary city, such as the 2015 murder of Kate Steinle in San Francisco by an illegal alien.

Boston’s violent crime rate per 100,000 residents is only slightly lower than the violent crimes committed in San Francisco, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, which reported that national statistics show legal and illegal immigrants are less likely to commit a crime than natural-born citizens.

Both Boston and San Francisco are coastal cities that attract immigrants. Although the suspect in the San Francisco killing was a convicted felon and an undocumented immigrant, the incident doesn’t reflect a national trend, the publication stated.


Feb. 6/17
7:13 pm
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
I just don't want illegal aliens around, regardless of the violent crime issue.
Serenitree · F
@HoraceGreenley: you'll have to be the judge of that. I look at countries where people are dying like flies because of poverty and bad governments and I feel nothing but sorrow. When the Vietnamese and Cambodian boat people started arriving in Canada, and getting brand new furniture paid for by the department of immigration and government grants to start businesses and buy houses, we Canadians were quite put out, but upon getting to know their stories and why they took what was freely offered, instead of choosing death, I realized that the government made those decisions, and WE voted for the government. And yes. The crime rate rose quite badly soon after the younger generation began forming gangs and violating our people. But I still blame the government.

Feb. 18/17
7:17 pm
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
@Serenitree: So in that case the government let the people into Canada. But when people enter a country illegally, then they are criminals and should be treated as such.
Serenitree · F
@HoraceGreenley: you're missing the point entirely. But I'm done arguing with a closed mind.
Northwest · M
However, statistics don’t seem to bear out that these cities have higher violent crime rates

The sample is not large enough, to make this conclusion. Chicago is a sanctuary city.

The fact is, these cities crime statistics, are not connected to their sanctuary status.

The primary reason I don't want the Feds telling our local cops what to do, is that we have a clear separation between state/city and federal powers, and the reason why no one should cross that line, is that it's a slippery slope.
littlefire333 · 56-60, F
You have obviously never lived in a metropolitan big city. I grew up in Los Angeles and trust me the biggest gangs are Latinos. They run alot of drugs, human trafficking and cause a lot of violence.Most of them started has illegal immigrants,had children and never attempt to simulate into American culture. They just start there own neighborhoods not allowing anyone in that's not part of there culture. Some of these neighborhoods are so dangerous the police don't want to patrol through. Now tell me how that's fair, to American tax payers. You need to live in one of these sanctuary cities and then write about how safe you felt. How your kids weren't picked on because there not Spanish and how much real estate goes down, because the place isn't livable for anyone who isn't one of them. Your statistics mean nothing to someone living right in the mix.Plus Americans shouldn't have to pay taxes for illegals period.
Serenitree · F
I grew up in Montreal, Quebec. Yeah, it is a big city. Of course, we don't have Mexico on a border, but it's not a little hamlet buried in a valley.

All I did was google Sanctuary Cities. I had never heard the expression before. When I read about something I don't know about, I look it up. That's what I did. I didn't write the story, I didn't make up the statistics. All I did was copy and paste it here and included the link so people could see that I wasn't making it up.

I certainly didn't think people were going to get angry at me for trying to learn about something I never heard of before.

I understand it's a very touchy subject for a lot of people, but I neither created the problem, nor condoned the creation of Sanctuary Cities. I was just showing what I had read, hoping for some feed back and more education, not a lot of vitriol thrown in my direction.

Feb. 18/17
4:28 am
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
@Serenitree: be careful of Googling something making a post that is controversial and then claiming ignorance. That is not a defense.

Borders and laws exist for a reason. Americans don't want to see our way of life destroyed by lawlessness.
Serenitree · F
@HoraceGreenley: you know, I've tried to be patient with you. I've tried to understand your feelings. But you are becoming abusive. I was not posting something I considered controversial. I was merely posting what I THOUGHT was informational. I didn't claim ignorance.
I tried to educate myself to the facts. Posted what I learned.
You are being rude. Making accusations against someone you know nothing about.
This is the last of those I will tolerate. Anymore and they will all be deleted. And you will be blocked.

Feb. 18/17
7:36 pm
Silverwings · 61-69, F

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