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Burnley123 · 41-45, M
It's platform capitalism:
Ultra precarity dreamt up by a CEO in shades and beach shorts sat on a futon. Fordism by algorithm: where everyone gets to be a (poor) entrepreneur.
Ultra precarity dreamt up by a CEO in shades and beach shorts sat on a futon. Fordism by algorithm: where everyone gets to be a (poor) entrepreneur.
MethDozer · M
@Burnley123 This is post-fordism. Fordism had a few merits.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@MethDozer Indeed: Union membership, contracts, higher pay (to buy the cars) etc. Regular hours too.
Amylynne · 26-30, F
and why is it not against the law when there are hotel and taxi rules> they just blew thru those
MethDozer · M
@Amylynne because on it's surface AirBnB poses and is intended as a limited occurance home renting service. Like renting out your home while on vacation for a week or the family cottage on a weekend yall aren't there.
I practice though they haven't upheld their own rules and many local laws and you have people buying homes, often paying over market value to secure them, with the sole intention of AirBnB ing it often buying and owning large sections of entire neighborhoods opersting as hotels and landlords without any if the hotel or landlord regulations and responsibilities.
I practice though they haven't upheld their own rules and many local laws and you have people buying homes, often paying over market value to secure them, with the sole intention of AirBnB ing it often buying and owning large sections of entire neighborhoods opersting as hotels and landlords without any if the hotel or landlord regulations and responsibilities.