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I Am Neither Republican Or Democrat

If ever there was a time for America to clean out the political cupboard it's now. Watching the shameful maneuverings of doddering old men and women stuck in the dogma of their own making is beyond pathetic. Open the doors and the windows. Let in new light new blood. New ideas and vigor. Make America young again.
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VioletRayne · 36-40, F
That'll never happen. This has and always will be a fight between the squirrels that want to standby and watch others suffer because they gathered all the nuts first and those who want to share the nuts. They can't seem to get past the nuts to realize they're all squirrels.
hlpflwthat · M
@VioletRayne: I'd only say that it will certainly never happen if we assume it cannot happen
ineedadrink · 51-55, M
Well put. Its a shame how the country has become such a gerontocracy. Granted, we're an aging nation but not as old as the people who clawed their way onto the top of the major political tickets last time. And even the younger ones with their hands of the levers of control of the parties are making sure the "old boy/girl" network is first & foremost.
Ramon67 · 61-69, M
I was republican but I'm more of an independent voter . I check their stance on issues .
Dadbod52 · 56-60, M
same as your president. not affiliated with any party either.
I say make America Great again by firing them all! Like you said clean house getting rid of all the senators and congressmen that are all 100% million airs
across the board. How are we represented when only 1% of the nations population are million airs; yet 100% of the senators and congressmen are million airs. Do I really want another group of America's million airs writing a health care law again, and exempting themselves from it's parameters, because they can not give up their 100% coverage for life!

Nothing has changed in Washington in a very long time
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
You don't know eh?

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