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I Like Politics

cnn is crumbling! The "Kill Trump" network is rapidly becoming a shell of what it once was... I used to consider it my go-to news outlet... until they decided that ratings were more important than fulfilling their role within the 4th Estate... A role our forefathers revered so much, it was included in our 1st Amendment.. Over just this one story, 3 high level staffers were terminated[media=]
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Northwest · M
Last Thursday, CNN posted on its web site, that Anthony Scaramucci, a Trump transition team member, had met with a Russian investment fund.

On Friday, CNN took the story down, fired the three reporters who were involved, and apologized to Anthony Scaramucci, after it determined that the journalists acted with haste, and did not follow procedure.

CNN never aired the story on its cable channel, and they took the proper, corrective action, immediately.

This is not fake news, this is honest news.

Can you name an alt-right channel that ever corrected any of its fantastical lies?

How about the President. Has he ever corrected any of his lies?

How about Fox News?
Northwest · M
@williemcd: Keep on tap dancing. Here's the actual (not what you imagine, or copy from fake news sites), politifacts report on Romney:
Northwest · M
@williemcd: Just what I expected. Nothing.
williemcd · M
Funny... you use as a source to counter a debate ABOUT the credibility of the SOURCE! What color is the sky in your world! Responding to that dribble is senseless.
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williemcd · M
@AsianFlower: AF.. those that really concern themselves with the truth, are fully aware of personal bias.. and do their best to set it aside in search of truth... When I encounter something that seems too good to be true.. (my ingrained bias), I take it upon myself to challenge that finding... trying to find cracks and holes in the latest discovery... Only after I've satisfied myself that something is irrefutable do I accept it... True that it's easier to just accept that which is presented... and what most do... but some consider it a responsibility to go the extra mile...
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williemcd · M
@AsianFlower: It's not an insult to challenge... if fact based of course... And the apathy of voters? I agree... thankfully that trend is reversing as we age.. Unfortunately, the millennial generation isn't keeping pace and skewing the data...Too many are interested in their social media devices... Just look at how Pokieman swept that generation!! REALLY!...
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williemcd · M
But don't go away mad.....just go away.
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williemcd · M
Two have their masters degrees.... If you're not a moron..... how can ya state our president is a non-stop liar... yet can't cite ONE lie? It's my hope that you DO have children some day and they grow up just as conservative as me... and you get to see the embarrassment and pity in their eyes of you and for you.
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williemcd · M
@IstillmissEP: Can't happen too soon.. Anyone that is self respecting does their own research. Seeks multiple sources... Unfortunately, too few do that and listen to the mindless babble coming from those two sources you cited.. msnbc is already considered a joke... except for their few viewers, consisting of family members of employees...The wash poop has lost subscription points that makes their viability questionable.. I hope a network and a news print agency picks up the mantle of liberals as I think it's dangerous were we left with only conservative perspectives... Initially enjoyable... but long term not a healthy situation..
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
What is/was CNN? It is/was and always will be a propaganda machine for the deep state and liberal propaganda. This is an organization of partisan left wing kooks and hacks who don't report news but rather try to shape viewer opinions by using the technique called "confirmation bias." This confirmation bias feeds their sycophants on the left who have warped and delusional minds. All part of a Marxist cult whose members hunger and thirst to live in an illusionary bubble of lies.
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williemcd · M
@APhoenix: I'd have to take it as being too stupid...Trolling is commenting on someone else's post in a negative or diversionary manner... so umm.. You'd be the TROLL in this case!
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williemcd · M
@APhoenix: Atta boy... tuck tail betwix the legs and scurry off under your rock... Go harass some other user... and receive yet another complaint from SW...
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Sadly commentary and opinion is mischaracterized as news. Factual news is svaiable if one is interested in reality. There is even some opinion based on facts as opposed to agenda driven opinion.

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