No, I think people did not get out and vote in the primaries so we were stuck with the two candidates we were. The other problem is they vilified him so much that the other side said Screw that, we are voting for him no matter what you people say.
Rhetoric, such as Mr.Trumps, can be powerful and people underestimated that.
I cannot stand him, to be honest, but I did not like Hilary, either. I did vote, though.
Rhetoric, such as Mr.Trumps, can be powerful and people underestimated that.
I cannot stand him, to be honest, but I did not like Hilary, either. I did vote, though.
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@justmerae: Trump is like Cod liver oil. Not pleasant but beneficial. This country desperately needs Trump right now. That's why I get so crazy over what the leftist are doing. We could start living the dream again, and be that shining city on the hill, but the leftists are so dead set on getting revenge for losing the election, they are destroying our dream and will make this country as vulnerable as a slug in a salt mine. I don't like becoming a raging monster like I do sometimes, but I've always been a genuine nephew of my Uncle Sam, and the left attacking this country affects me like they are attacking my own family.
Dreammmer · 61-69, M
@puck61: The dream you expect has already become a nightmare. And your reasoning shows clearly that you are not able to think beyond white and black. You can only lose if you see your fellow citizens as your enemy.
@Dreammmer: that's your perspective and what makes it through the filters of your perception. I think Trump is doing a fantastic job in spite of intense opposition from a culture in which error and folly are the default setting.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Trump is just being true to Trump.
The fact that he was elected under the Republican flag is the bit that's at fault !
Irony being that had he flown as an independent he might well have had an even bigger majority since the candidacy of almost ALL those taking part was probably questionable !
The fact that he was elected under the Republican flag is the bit that's at fault !
Irony being that had he flown as an independent he might well have had an even bigger majority since the candidacy of almost ALL those taking part was probably questionable !

@Picklebobble2: That is the problem Trump being Trump...LOL!
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Say what?
Sicarium · 46-50, M
You realize we don't live in a democracy, right?

@Sicarium: We live in a Republic, with democratic views( not talking party-lines here)
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@Sicarium: America has plutocratic elements and is not fully democratic. However, I fail to see how appointing a billionaire who attacks civil society is an improvement.
Trump is simply the result of the left having a horrible candidate, and the democrats going so far left that they disenfranchised many of their own,
I, as an avid Trump supporter, pretty much have Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Reid, and other overboard people on the left to thank for Trumps election. Trumps position in the white house is more the result of the actions of his detractors than the votes of his supporters.
I, as an avid Trump supporter, pretty much have Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Reid, and other overboard people on the left to thank for Trumps election. Trumps position in the white house is more the result of the actions of his detractors than the votes of his supporters.

There's more to it than just trump.
Dreammmer · 61-69, M
@lilchickennugget23: But my question is about Trump and democracy.
DemonicPersona · F
At fault to what exactly? We don't live in a democracy. Our Democratic republic system is designed to place as much of the decision power into elected officials as possible. It's more proof of people's general frustration than anything else.
Tres13 · 51-55, M
ladycae · 100+, F
no, I think it is proof of trump being at fault
Dreammmer · 61-69, M
@ladycae: He was at fault all the time.
bijouxbroussard · F
It's proof of ignorance and apathy in our country. The people who didn't know and the ones who didn't care.
bijouxbroussard · F
@Dreammmer: Except I'm not sure that the system was the problem as much as the people were, during this last election. 🤔
Dreammmer · 61-69, M
@bijouxbroussard: I agree. But the systems allows that to happen and that by itself might be considered democracy at fault, or not?
bijouxbroussard · F
@Dreammmer: I dunno. What we have seems too complicated to really be called a democracy, it's much more a republic. And in that regard, there have been questions about whether or not the Electoral College system still makes sense. Should we try to become an actual democracy where the Presidential election came down to who had the most votes by individual voters ? Every election it would be California vs. Texas. 😶
At fault of what exactly, the fault of democracy actually lies with those too lazy to vote that is the democracy the right to vote and idiots who didn't brought this on two thirds of the populous...so democracy does work by definition if one exercises their right to vote. Don't blame Trump we all know he is a nut bag and fruit loop so why the hell didnt those idiots exercise their democratic right.