He's done a lot more than the media wants to cover. And no President walks in on day 1 without anything to learn. Expecting otherwise is simply asinine.
@ladycae: I have no clue if hate Trump or not and I don't care.
Yeah, if you Google "border wall bid," you're gonna get articles on border wall bids. That's kind of how Google works. Shocker, I know. That is a far cry from coverage in the mainstream media. You know that major outlets are not covering the topic openly. You know that they only talk about it in obscure articles that people will only find if they specifically search for it. You won't see it on the front page of the NYT. You won't hear about it during primetime on CNN or MSNBC. It's buried.
And that is precisely why I started all of this by telling the OP to Google if he really cared.
You are correct, you are smart. You know everything I've said is absolutely true. But you don't care about truth. You've demonstrated that in every single engagement we've had that you only care about shallow, meaningless gotcha moments. So you pick and choose. Which is exactly why you've ignored it when I told the guy to Google and when I said "virtually no coverage." You had to pretend I never said them.
I don't care if you take me seriously. To be honest, I did take you seriously before. Not anymore. Real discussion takes honesty, and you're not interested in that. So believe what you want. But it's kind of sad, because you are capable of more.
@Sicarium: first page of google has several cbs and nbc articles as well as fox, further serach you see cnn as well as msnbc. I really wish you would take the time to google it before you makeup things to suit your agenda. as for knowing everything you say is true , you could not be more wrong especially when i can actually, easily find the opposite of what you say so easily. wishing does not make it true sic. Try to fing some real facts to back up your statements next time.
as for honesty, you need the desire to find out honest facts. what you offered here were fake facts to support your idea of trump. when people have disagreed with you, you have accused them of hating trumps. now you accuse me of dishonesty when by doing the very thing you asked i am aable to see you are making false statements.
i have proven my points with hard facts. nothing you can bluster on about changes that. so my job here is done. to continue a discussion with you would be worthless because, to quote a fav movie of mine, "you can't handle the truth."
when you look at history other presidents have done more than trump. EO's are pretty meaningless and his have been very poorly written.. There is a learning curve for sure and i think t is a much bigger one for trump because he came into office thinking he had all the answers and president was just like being the CEO of a business instead of a mop up man at a zoo.
@ladycae: without a doubt, I understand there's a learning curve, but that he came in acting like he knew the job, then having his supporters praise him for doing so much, or if they realize that he hadn't done much they'd reason it's okay because he's learning, which makes me ask "which is it?" He can't be doing more than others while still struggling to understand how the job works. Or learning how the job works while doing more than everyone else.
From outside the country he looks like a complete buffoon and The USA is becoming the laughing stock of the world. Because of his silliness the world could end up in a war.
You don't see the press scribbling furiously in their note books, but the comedians world wide are suffering writers cramp. (another 9 days won't change much 😉)