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Why doesn't socialism work?

Look at county's like Sweden,Denmark & Finland. Aren't they socialist country's that are happier than America. Can certain socialist countries work?
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Don't forget those people in Venezuela. I hear they love socialism now.
Mariocrespo8546 · 31-35, M
@Ax17x7: I would love socialism if I was the president & in charge
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@Ax17x7: Judge an idea by the worst possible example. Ethiopia is capitalist.
@Ax17x7: Spoken like someone who has no clue why that country is suffering and it has nothing to do with socialism. And ironically they are still largely better off then before the socialists took power.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow: Dude, every country that has tried a planned economy has failed miserably, often resulting in countless lives. Countries that have tried capitalism or something close to it have extended the lives their citizens.

Talk to people who have actually lived in socialist countries and they all tell you its no good. ie... people who moved to America from the former Soviet Union.
@Ax17x7: Correlation does not equal causation genius. The same can be said of capitalism to an even greater degree. You should start dealing in reality instead of propaganda friend.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow: I work off tried practice, not propaganda. Propaganda is how socialism works. Every country that has tried socialism has used propaganda to develop a cult of personality of their leader. Look at Stalin
@Ax17x7: All nations use propaganda. Capitalist nations were just better at it which is why people like you operate under the delusion that you are not being fed fantasies. Any honest analysis flies in the face of your claims.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow: There are no facts that support the claim that socialism works.
@Ax17x7: Good luck proving that one.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow: Give me one fact that shows that socialism works.
@Ax17x7: The fact that countries like the UK and Canada have socialized medical care and all have better healthcare then the for profit capitalist system in the US. Or that planned economies have been proven from Russia to China to Cuba to be the fastest way from dirt poor poverty and illiteracy to a modern standard of living.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow: Actually the US provides better healthcare, you just have to pay for it. Providing healthcare to more people doesn't mean its better.

Standard of living is worse Cuba, China, and certainly Russia than the US.
Actually that is total bullshit. A joint study done about 10 years ago found that the poorest in the UK get on average better care then the richest Americans. Your fantasy might have been true in the 1960s but has not been true for decades. Also the US has 50 thousand people thrown into poverty every year over healthcare bills. The total in the rest of the developed world combined is zero.

In Cuba....maybe but that is largely artificially created and in China it has been on a constant upward climb. And in Russia it was on par or better then in the west until the USSR was destroyed. It is just now back to the standard it was in the USSR in the 70s. You also forget they are all light years ahead of where they were before that. Before 1917 Russia was basically a giant medieval museum.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow: Russia is in terrible condition.

-growing suicide rate
-fastest growing rate of AIDS infection
-more babies being aborted than born
-failing economy, 75% of their economy based one industry

Very little has actually changed in Russia since the fall of the USSR.
Lol. You are completely out to lunch. All of those things can be laid at the feet of Gorby and Yeltsin the drunkard who Clinton in his idiocy rigged elections to keep in power.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow: So Soviet Union good... post Soviet Russia, bad...🤔 That makes a lot of sense.
@Ax17x7: Actually by any economic metric yes and that allies to the entire former Com Bloc too. Even eastern Germany is economically worse off now then it was. Absolutely zero of the promises made to them have panned out.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow: And they weren't any better or even close to equal than the West before the Soviet collapse.
@Ax17x7: That is a flat out lie that flies in the face of fact.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow: Right... because West Germans were jumping the wall into the East to escape capitalism..../sar
@Ax17x7: Yeah....and Capitalism is working wonderfully for Greece right now. Thanks to Capitalism Europe is starting to look like it did 500 years ago.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow: What's happening in Greece and most of Europe is not capitalism. They're abandoning capitalism and look whats happening to them.
@Ax17x7: Wow. If you believe that I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow: How much?
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow: Between 1870 and 1950 Sweden had the fastest growing economy... then they started experiments with socialism.