CallmeHopelessNotRomantic · 46-50, F
When they changed the channel was my favorite part.

It was brilliant politically.
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CassandraFemale17 · 26-30, F
Agreed. Imagine having to make speeches though, to the same people who will one day impeach him. Sad. So sad.
USMCGUY · 46-50, M
It won't happen.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
@USMCGUY: It will

I laughed when he said that it was his "job to represent the U.S".
I wouldn't tip if that fucker was my waiter.
I wouldn't tip if that fucker was my waiter.
CassandraFemale17 · 26-30, F
@Jackjjacksonjr: hahahahahahahahahaha
No love birds. I have a boyfriend already.
Just respect where we can, and spread it where we can. It's better than spreading the other (rhymes with pit) :)
No love birds. I have a boyfriend already.
Just respect where we can, and spread it where we can. It's better than spreading the other (rhymes with pit) :)

@USMCGUY: I, for one, am terrified of Trump.
As for the speech, yes, much of it was chest-thumping. Trust I'm doing my best to keep in mind I accepted it with Obama and Trump has the right to do the same (BUT...almost everything he took credit for he had absolutely no hand in).
How to transition? How will the system work? "Merit-based" is akin to saying "rewards program." No specifics. Not even vague ideas. How long will the transition take? When will it happen? What will happen to the current system?
We can continue, but principles were all we got. JackJohnson rightfully points out that this was not a strategy session, but no where -- NOT ONCE -- has this administration in whole or part ever offered a specific step and the path to accomplishment.
What's worse, I have no reason to believe the American public will ever get the chance to hear it. What is to be accomplished is to be done at the Hole in the Wall Gang's discretion for their reasons and on their timetable. We will be informed on a need-to-know basis.
What to I think of the ideas? Thanks for asking; it makes me really consider the question. Tax relief is an issue that will be argued till the day we cease to exist on this planet. Yeah, I like tax cuts, but I also know taxes are the fuel of our government. I'm all for tax reform -- tax cuts, let's wait and see.
I like the idea of a merit-based immigration system, but it has its caveats, too. One, because a person cannot support themselves wholly as a refugee in their teens doesn't mean they might not go on to become an artist, engineer, physician or Nobel laureate. We're judging people on what they may do for us and that's dangerous. No, I don't believe in free rides, but the information on immigration is eye-opening. And what of human grace and mercy (combined with the fact that terrorists are NOT flooding over the borders)?
Healthcare? Yes, we need to further streamline what's already in place and working more than not. Incidentally, we already have coverage for preexisting conditions under the ACA. People can have health accounts, but that places the uninsured in power again which will result in lack of coverage which will result in tax dollars used on healthcare. There's a reason the cost of ER visits among immigrants is three times that of regular medical care. Every state in the union has been offered Medicaid assistance in healthcare costs and many declined it because I guess their faces didn't need noses. And if Trump can take the hands of Big Pharma and insurance, which effectively run DC, then he will have done what no one before him ever has. They are being warned on every front that a quick transition to nothing is dangerous and counterproductive -- will they listen?
Look, I'm all for improvement and progress. But the same old song and dance of "burn it to the ground and stake our flag instead" is BS and does not work. For any side. As they say, take the best and leave the rest. Only in that way can we ever move forward.
As for the speech, yes, much of it was chest-thumping. Trust I'm doing my best to keep in mind I accepted it with Obama and Trump has the right to do the same (BUT...almost everything he took credit for he had absolutely no hand in).
historic tax reform...provide massive tax relief
How is this tax reform to occur? How will the massive tax relief be accomplished? What are the figures? Who will benefit? How will the money be made up? No specifics.A merit based immigration system
How to transition? How will the system work? "Merit-based" is akin to saying "rewards program." No specifics. Not even vague ideas. How long will the transition take? When will it happen? What will happen to the current system?
We can continue, but principles were all we got. JackJohnson rightfully points out that this was not a strategy session, but no where -- NOT ONCE -- has this administration in whole or part ever offered a specific step and the path to accomplishment.
What's worse, I have no reason to believe the American public will ever get the chance to hear it. What is to be accomplished is to be done at the Hole in the Wall Gang's discretion for their reasons and on their timetable. We will be informed on a need-to-know basis.
What to I think of the ideas? Thanks for asking; it makes me really consider the question. Tax relief is an issue that will be argued till the day we cease to exist on this planet. Yeah, I like tax cuts, but I also know taxes are the fuel of our government. I'm all for tax reform -- tax cuts, let's wait and see.
I like the idea of a merit-based immigration system, but it has its caveats, too. One, because a person cannot support themselves wholly as a refugee in their teens doesn't mean they might not go on to become an artist, engineer, physician or Nobel laureate. We're judging people on what they may do for us and that's dangerous. No, I don't believe in free rides, but the information on immigration is eye-opening. And what of human grace and mercy (combined with the fact that terrorists are NOT flooding over the borders)?
Healthcare? Yes, we need to further streamline what's already in place and working more than not. Incidentally, we already have coverage for preexisting conditions under the ACA. People can have health accounts, but that places the uninsured in power again which will result in lack of coverage which will result in tax dollars used on healthcare. There's a reason the cost of ER visits among immigrants is three times that of regular medical care. Every state in the union has been offered Medicaid assistance in healthcare costs and many declined it because I guess their faces didn't need noses. And if Trump can take the hands of Big Pharma and insurance, which effectively run DC, then he will have done what no one before him ever has. They are being warned on every front that a quick transition to nothing is dangerous and counterproductive -- will they listen?
Look, I'm all for improvement and progress. But the same old song and dance of "burn it to the ground and stake our flag instead" is BS and does not work. For any side. As they say, take the best and leave the rest. Only in that way can we ever move forward.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
"take the best and leave the rest. Only in that way can we ever move forward"
You are absolutely correct.
"take the best and leave the rest. Only in that way can we ever move forward"
You are absolutely correct.
katielass · F
I thought it was well delivered. There were 2 parts I particularly liked. One was when he spoke of the child care thing and it seemed to worry elizabeth warren. Aww now she wont get credit for that. The other part I liked was when he spoke of his collaboration with Canadian PM to help women start businesses and it seemed to piss off nancy pelosi. Of course I could be wrong. Her hair was messed up and I'm betting she and steny hoyer snuck into a broom closet and she couldn't get him to sit next to her so she might have been pissed at being dissed. Who knows, and really, who cares.
CassandraFemale17 · 26-30, F
It was a good speech.
But making speeches is not the same as governing.
Overall though, it was better than many thought it would be, it wasn't enough than some thought it could be, more than enough for some, and bad for others.
If I could say one thing about it....and thirdly....I second that!
But making speeches is not the same as governing.
Overall though, it was better than many thought it would be, it wasn't enough than some thought it could be, more than enough for some, and bad for others.
If I could say one thing about it....and thirdly....I second that!
USMCGUY · 46-50, M
Good point! I do agree it was one of his best and hopefully he can live up to his plans. I loved the HSA bit and the voucher for inner city and underprivileged youth. That's huge. The teachers union will fight him on that but I think the voters in the city will stand up and side with Trump.
Parents want good education for their kids and if that will get them out of failing school districts then so be it.
Parents want good education for their kids and if that will get them out of failing school districts then so be it.
LegendofPeza · 61-69, M
It was full of boasts , exaggerations , half-truths and lies ...... no change there then.

He managed to stick to the script this time
Steve42 · 56-60, M
Fake news. There was no speech.
USMCGUY · 46-50, M
Lol. I think that the Russians hacked his speech.
Cindy · F
Someday we can have an aircraft carrier name the USS Donald Trump then we can paint it orange that would be really cool
I was busy, I'm catching up. So far it was his tribute to Ryan Owens, his 'naming of the enemy' RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM, and the general clarity and positivism (unity and strength) of the tone.
USMCGUY · 46-50, M
Well said!
Cindy · F
The United States Constitution explicitly writes (I remember this in 7th grade history you cannot spread hate Terror or disenfranchised anybody else you cannot use profanity or any other kind of vulgar speech, it must be speech worthy of debate, oh my God am I back in my 7th grade civics class?
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
The part where I did not watch it
Xuan12 · 36-40, M
I've only seen a few bits. I kind of feel like he's trying to bring Newspeak into vogue.
MellyMel22 · F
I missed it 🙀
CassandraFemale17 · 26-30, F
It will live forever on YouTube. You haven't missed a thing. You can see it now if you really wanted to
bijouxbroussard · F
Didn't believe a word. Felt the same way you (and he) probably did when President Obama would speak.