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Teirdalin · 31-35

It's true. His IQ is high for an average racist person which is negative infinity.
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katielass · F
@Girlwithsilverheart: And you just proved it. In three years when you figure this out, don't feel bad.
Meanwhile climate change is a hoax people.
Meanwhile climate change is a hoax people.
dale74 · M

dale74 · M
I agree vets need help as well as the homeless but I would rather send 38 billion and arms to Israel and 600 billion to all the countries around Israel
original8 · 31-35, M
Lol. See that's our problem. We need to stop worrying about other countries and stop being the world police.
I thought trump was supposed to stop that. Lol
If you want to put America first bring our troops home and take care of our own.
I thought trump was supposed to stop that. Lol
If you want to put America first bring our troops home and take care of our own.
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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Well he said he was going to do something about sex trafficking and so far 1500 people have been arrested on sex trafficking charges.

He called out CNN for being fake news.
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
Belgium is a wonderful town. 😂
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Xuan12 · 36-40, M
Best single thing I heard him say was that we could reduce medical costs by permitting the importation of drugs from places like Canada. It's true, they are sold much cheaper up there than here. Sadly, he only said it once and I haven't heard it come up since. Pharmaceuticals probably had their way with him.
CassandraFemale17 · 26-30, F
USMCGUY · 46-50, M
I remember it well. I was in D.C. In the airport in baggage claim. There were approximately 2-300 people watching the debate and he told the moderator "if I was the President, I'd put her in jail"
I laughed out loud and the whole place heard me. Half were Hillary supporters, half weren't. I found out really quickly which was which.
I'm glad he backed off the rhetoric but it was funny as hell!
I laughed out loud and the whole place heard me. Half were Hillary supporters, half weren't. I found out really quickly which was which.
I'm glad he backed off the rhetoric but it was funny as hell!
CassandraFemale17 · 26-30, F
It was a good line. But numerous FBI investigations and Congressional investigations found nothing to indite her for.
Hopefully Trump will have the same outcome when all is resolved re his campaigns many discussions with Russian operatives.
To not have a good outcome, would mean he acted treasonously, and would be jailed.
According to one inside source last week, they say they have Intel whereby he would die in jail.
Unfortunately Trump has already in many speeches demeaned US Intel services. Now he needs them on his side, and they will let him die a death by a thousand cuts, leaking drip by glorious drip. I say glorious as anyone guilty of treason should pay.
No wonder he claims news organizations are 'fake' it's easier than saying the well respected media are conducting numerous investigations proving his campaigns connections to Russia.
Obviously I would vote Dem, but I do hope this is all about his subordinates acting independently. Should he actually be guilty in this, his followers will go to war with Trump claiming fake news, and fake media. None of this will be good for the country.
He sets up the Intel and media. And now more than ever, he needs them. So sad Donny!
Hopefully Trump will have the same outcome when all is resolved re his campaigns many discussions with Russian operatives.
To not have a good outcome, would mean he acted treasonously, and would be jailed.
According to one inside source last week, they say they have Intel whereby he would die in jail.
Unfortunately Trump has already in many speeches demeaned US Intel services. Now he needs them on his side, and they will let him die a death by a thousand cuts, leaking drip by glorious drip. I say glorious as anyone guilty of treason should pay.
No wonder he claims news organizations are 'fake' it's easier than saying the well respected media are conducting numerous investigations proving his campaigns connections to Russia.
Obviously I would vote Dem, but I do hope this is all about his subordinates acting independently. Should he actually be guilty in this, his followers will go to war with Trump claiming fake news, and fake media. None of this will be good for the country.
He sets up the Intel and media. And now more than ever, he needs them. So sad Donny!
dale74 · M
@original8: I hope with time he does the FBI is still investigating Clinton foundation and they don't have to fear backlash from Hillary now
original8 · 31-35, M
They are also going to investigate his dealings, that's why he never released his tax returns. He has plenty of business with Russia he wants to hide.
They are also going to investigate his dealings, that's why he never released his tax returns. He has plenty of business with Russia he wants to hide.
dale74 · M
He recognized Taiwan as independent of China
CassandraFemale17 · 26-30, F
For a couple of days, yes, he did
dale74 · M
And I hope he is able to change our country's current one China policy in the next few years
original8 · 31-35, M
He backed tracked on that too. He knows China ain't playing.

Best in terms of hilarity or in terms of goodness?
doctorlove · M
This is a test ... isn't it. 😏
Pfuzylogic · M
Free food!
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original8 · 31-35, M
Lock her up.
Sorry he lied.
Sorry he lied.
katielass · F
I kind of like drain the swamp.
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WarmAtNight · M
Nothing, he's an ASSHOLE
bijouxbroussard · F
"Our leaders are stupid. Our politicians are stupid."
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
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katielass · F
God they sure can do wonders with pounds of makeup these days. Obviously, this time she was caught without it.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
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jackjjackson · 61-69, M
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jackjjackson · 61-69, M

jackjjackson · 61-69, M
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