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MougyWolf · 36-40, M
The protest should continue the entire 8 years that we are subjected to this bullshit. The guy actually lost. But go ahead and celebrate your bull shit.
veronica211 · 31-35, F
He won, "popular vote" just means those libtards in California and New York voted for the criminal. The election covers the USA not just the left wing cities. The majority of states made the right choice. Now crybabies like yourself will bitch and moan.

justthat1girl99 · 22-25, F
I think Saturday will be the day they march on Washington. Tons of protesting will be going on.
Idiots will be idiotic as they have always been. Lefties are accentuating their own ignorance again and again and again..... this is the reason Trump is president in the first place, and they double down on their ludicrous behavior! it's hilarious! They are supposed to be the smart ones!
katielass · F
@Puck: Dear Puck, they are the only ones who think they are smart. Anyone can regurgitate what they've been fed, even a monkey can do that. It takes a certain intelligence to take its of information and come to a reasonable conclusion using logic and common sense. Not even close in many cases.
@Shattered: I am so disgusted with the left. It is beyond sickening to me.
katielass · F
@puck61: yeah, I know. Me, you and millions of others.
smiler2012 · 56-60
shadowshift much as I dislike all trump stands for and what he is protests are futile as he is democratically elected and all the protesting in the world will alter tomorrow after that is when reality will hit home with this man in office and the mans actions as president
katielass · F
wow, it's not often someone actually admits they are against an American president putting Americans first. hmmm, weird.
lorne13 · 61-69, M
AnukBinary · M
Billions😁 America will shut down for month😂
lorne13 · 61-69, M
@AnukBinary: probably be shut down for 4 years
I thought Saturday was the big protest day?
smiler2012 · 56-60
shattered only time will tell on that one I would reserve judgement there all politicians no matter what political persuasion they are full of promises to change things for the better and fail to deliver on there words so see if you think the same after his four years in office [if he manages four years that is of course ]
The day of Soros.
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
I know of at least one wake taking place at a local bar tonight.

People are making me tired...
Firespirit · 26-30, M
I say around 2-300 separate ones but like 12 main ones
katielass · F
who cares...lmfaoooooooooooooooooooo
Ya maybe some tomorrow but a shit ton on Sat.

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