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lindabo · 36-40, T
Dead is Dead just as Dead!!!
dystopianAntihero · 56-60, M
The fact that a citizen of this country dedicated to abolishing injustice was assassinated by our govt, which acts to perpetuate systemic injustice matters. That's called tyranny.

Xuan12 · 36-40, M
The 1999 case you cite wasn't actually about any of this. It was a civil case filed by the King family against a Lloyd Jowers. Jowers claimed to have hired a hit man to assassinate King, but James Earl Ray struck before the hired gun did. The King estate sued Jowers for $100. Jowers, refused to testify about his remarks, and has actually in the past, made contradictory statements under oath. Given that he refused to defend himself, the jury found in favor of the King estate, however the only other party to the trial was Jowers, who lost $100. It was widely reported at the time. Despite some very dramatic statements made by both parties, a follow up suit was never filed, and the paltry sum of $100 doesn't seem to belie the kind of gravitas that you'd think such a case would.
dystopianAntihero · 56-60, M
Read a transcript of the case, you're cherry-picking facts. The ruling was in favor of the King family bc of die the overwhelming preponderance of the evidence, which included everything I mentioned. They didn't simply rule in their favor b/c Jowers refused to testify, that's ridiculous. He was named in the filing the one alleged to have set up the assassination, and the events described surrounding the case are irrefutable facts. Ray also withdrew his confession and the evidence presented in the trial actually exonerated him.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
The man who was charged and convicted of the crime said later in an interview that they had threatened his family if he kept fighting the charges.
xSharp · 31-35, M
after jfk's so called assassin was convicted he didnt even make it to jail before they shut him up as well.
Xuan12 · 36-40, M
@Cherokeepatti: There was no criminal trial, it was a civil suit for $100.
Dividing ppl into the haves and the have nots don't work so well in a multicultural country.. But they sure do pick the racism ball up and run with it.. Divide and conquer... Never fails...
xSharp · 31-35, M
i believe what you are trying to say is a nation divided cannot stand.
dystopianAntihero · 56-60, M
I agree the nation should not be divided into haves and have nots, which is why I believe,as Dr King did, in the democratic distribution of wealth. Labor creates goods, services wealth and infrastructure, the executive and administrative classes produce nothing, and all wealth invested into what labor creates is the product of labors efforts.

We're already divided onto haves and have nots, and those who seek to perpetuate the status quo perpetuate that divisive unjust system. There's nothing just or moral in uniting to perpetuate injustice, and if you're working class you're acting against your own self-interests as a wealth producer who's resources are being appropriated by the ruling elite, who bankroll a corrupt political class, backed by a monopoly power of a coercive state. The system is a tyrannical product of feudalism, aristocracy being the rule of the wealthy few, and oligarchy being it's tyrannical extreme.
dystopianAntihero · 56-60, M
"Injustice anywhere is a the at to justice everywhere." ~MLK
Oster1 · M
I always believed this. I am disgusted that the military was used. Dr. King was a great man and spiritual leader, for all of us. He truly was and murdered at an early age. I have always wondered how much more that he would have accomplished. I suggest that everyone you tube his "I have a dream" speech tonight. All these so called civil rights leaders and race baiters today could not even carry Dr. King's bags. They did not learn a thing from him. They were jealous of him too, even John Lewis always claims to be a friend of MLK. He is a despicable fraud too......what has he done? They are fake whores. I also find it ironic that black lives matter punks, know absolutely nothing about this great man.......Today, I honor, Dr. Martin Luther King.........truly a Great American!!!

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