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I'm a dummy when it comes to this stuff, so i'm just testing out my thoughts in this area for better comprehension

I have no way of truly understanding anything in Politics as it happens, it's all smoke and mirrors, and innumerable misunderstandings layered on top of each other. I do regardless feel like talking about some things going on in the world. If anyone wishes to instruct me on how to think, you shan't get very far though, but any info is at least info that can help shape my understanding a little better.

There's a popular book from the far right that I purchased called Unhumans, it's basically making Communism the most evil thing in the world today, and that it's threat is there, so whatever the MAGA movement does is to go against such nefarious plans that are said to be there, like respectively, if saying something enough makes it true.

I'd at least like to understand better, and this is not understanding along the party lines of either position and all the other mini positions within each.

It's so divisive though that even talking like this about it is gonna get me in hot water with many, but I don't care when i'm not doing anything I honestly don't think is wrong. Is being able to critique those in power inherently wrong? Well I guess we're living in another time than i'd like it to be.
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I haven't read the book, but I'm not surprised discussing it would be divisive, based on @Reason10 's description.

FWIW, I dont think it's inherently wrong to critique those in power, and I'm guessing that's a view shared very widely here on SW in the politics section.

Maybe not universally, especially depending on who's in power, but I'm guessing thats a close to a universal sentiment as you'll find in these parts.
MrAlmostCrazy · 46-50, M
@MistyCee Thanks, I don't like to get into this topic much, just testing the waters a bit, it's not something I feel I have actual knowledge of, just what is being said either online or the tv, and when things are cited, polls, or whatever it is, you can't even get to a point where there's agreement, like an assault of truth itself .... but any opinions of mine are just that my opinions, others well, it's just their opinion also, but it's expressed as if its fact. ty for your comment.
The materialist, reality based historical view is the darling of materialist philosophy, AKA Marxism. Critics of capitalism always use reality, examples from history.
So conservatives don't. They demand you have a patriotic view instead! History is they're enemy and materialism is, as well. And you will pretend for and with them that communism is evil as well as optional. Gahead! On fire and dying younger - ecocide in sight! Gahead. We're not trying ever again to save you from fascism.
MrAlmostCrazy · 46-50, M
@Roundandroundwego That patriotism to me seems like a not so firm foundation, like an invitation to tyranny, would that be a fair assessment? and ty for your response!!
@MrAlmostCrazy The e group of believers in the USA and westward expansion and wars has had their way with the world for so long, it's tempting to think they'll always have hegemony, but there's been an irreversible change in the power dynamics. Their rejection of socialism is still acceptable to the population, like their rejection of history.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
You’re not a dummy. We are all kept ignorant. By design.
MrAlmostCrazy · 46-50, M
@AthrillatheHunt Would it be like the proverbial "they" mean us to be confused and kept in the dark? That has a ring of truth to it, ty.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@MrAlmostCrazy we have a 1 party system. They are 1 team scrimmaging as shirts vs skins. They have us thinking they are 2 teams in competition. We allow ourselves to think that.
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@AthrillatheHunt Not all. Most of us aren't like this.
Reason10 · 70-79, M
(For those wondering about the book, here it is)

Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (and How to Crush Them) is a 2024 American political and polemical book by Jack Posobiec and co-author Joshua Lisec. It features a foreword by Steve Bannon and a blurb from JD Vance.

The core thesis of the tome holds that the American left intends to terrorize and subjugate the United States under a communist dictatorship.[1][better source needed] In their telling, they are "unhumans."

For the last couple centuries, we’ve known them as communists. Socialists, with extra steps. And of course, leftists. Radicals and revolutionaries as well. A hundred years ago, Marxist Leninists, then more recently, Cultural Marxists. Even as, without irony and not as a joke, “progressives.” For the purposes of this book, we will call them the unhumans.[2]

Let me count the ways:

1. I don't think you're a dummy about this stuff. You're not any dumber than anyone else here. And the left wingers here probably make you look like a Rhodes Scholar. If you have a personal problem with not having kept up with all the political bullshit around here, it means apparently you have a life.

2. If you read The Communist Manifesto, by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engel, published in 1948, most of it will read like the Democrat Party's entire platform today. Class envy, outlawing private property, religion is the opiate of the masses.

3. If you need further links of communism to today's Democrat Party, look no further than the New Deal, which came from the 1929 Socialist Platform.

4. If you're looking at positions according to political party, obviously the Democrat Party is the easiest to read: All extreme left wing, and based on the Communist Manifesto. It's a very NARROW minded party and its members do not think for themselves at all. Some Democrats are so ashamed of the "liberal" label that they try to call themselves centrist. Mostly the Democrats are the ANYTHING BUT REPUBLICAN group. They LOVED Elon Musk and Donald Trump until those men decided to show loyalty to the Republican party. Now Musk's TESLA vehicles are being vandalized, and there were two attempts on Trump's life.

5. If you want to see the exact opposite, the Republican Party is the dumpster fire clustefuck of all time. If ever there were a party of independents, it would be the Republicans. They can't agree on anything. If the Republican Party were a single individual seeking psychiatric care for multiple personalities that person would be in a strait jacket, receiving daily doses of thorazine. Republicans are all over the map. We can't even agree on lunch. That kinda of comes with the territory of having a superior education.

Sounds like you have a better handle on life than most of us.
MrAlmostCrazy · 46-50, M
@Reason10 Appreciate your response, I get the sense that thinking for oneself in and of itself is the quickest way to get into arguments in matters of politics, people who talk about it a lot seem to be the most touchy people out there!! I'll just let it all stew in my brain for awhile and try to not let it all get to me too much, yes there is a life besides all this stuff.
@Reason10 yes, everyone together say it as one!- working together leads to a blood bath! Collectivism is the same as suicide!

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