When Coffee Was a Dime
The world when a cup of coffee was a dime seems so distant now. The turbulence of the times mirrors much of the events that occurred almost like it was 86 years ago. Even though much has changed yet much remains reminiscent of the times when coffee was a just a dime. In the 1930's the world was filled with so much despair, woe and misery. Sadly though, history always has found a way to repeat events that have played out before. And, today the times are not that much different for millions when all you needed was a dime for that cup of coffee.
All around the world the multitudes of impoverished see no end to their plight. Even in the United States the plight of so many continues to mount. Any attempt to close the greatest wealth disparity gap in history is swiftly and abruptly squashed. There remains a never ending growing number of those who are swept up into the whirlwind cycle of poverty.
Back when coffee was a dime there seemed to be a more civility among the masses. Even in this nations darkest hour much of this nation was held together by the sheer refinement that society had those many years ago. Now, we live in an age of greed and selfishness. Our leaders of political expediency have plotted, schemed, and shrewdly positioned this country away from the basic principles of our Founding Fathers. In doing so have corrupted the very institutions of government. Now, that cup of coffee sets one back more than $3.00. Heaven forbid you order and espresso! That is like shelling out a second mortgage. And, of course the civility of our nation has been ripped apart, more so by having Trump in the White House.
What this present Administration has done along with our spineless congress has only hastened this nations downfall. From all those foreign policy directives Trump has managed to create a more unstable and hostile world. We are now poised to fall into a period a cataclysm of financial despair. Another Great Depression is most surely on the way.
It was back in the Great Depression though where the phrase " buddy can you spare a dime" was coined.That phrase symbolized the plight of Americans living in deplorable conditions. Through greed and financial posturing by the wealthy elite managed to wipe out millions of hard working Americans financial means. All across the country "Hay buddy can you spare a dime" was the cry of a nation swept up into a period of anguish and torment. It was a good thing though that coffee was just a dime. From the soup kitchens to tent cities the 30's evoked that catch phrase where "Can you spare a dime" meant a difference for millions of Americans.
Even back in the early 1960's 10 cents could actually buy a lot of things. In New York you could still get that cup of coffee and you could ride the subway. Not so today. Prices of everything has risen drastically to the point that millions are unable to make ends meet. The plight of the poor, the impoverished masses has only continued to increase with each passing year.
In the 30's where starving masses lined up in soup kitchens one of the most popular songs of that period used that catch phrase "can you spare a dime" to depict why this nation stole their livelihoods? To a great deal today our own governmental policies has made it much easier for corporations and businesses to siphon off livelihoods leaving millions stranded, abandoned by the very government that is supposed to help in troubled times.
Sure, today there are those so called safety nets, Food stamps, unemployment insurance and other agencies that are supposed to help. But, sadly more often than not these agencies are just foot notes of the large bureaucratic blotted system known as our government. And, Trump and the rest of the Republicans all they want to do is reduce or eliminate all leaving millions to languish in acute poverty.
When coffee was a dime was a period in time where the simplicity of life eased much of the tension and turmoil that grew out of those most difficult and depressing times. Today, the tempo of life is much faster more stressful in practically every way. One has to wonder when you see panhandlers at almost every intersection it's not a dime, they are asking for it is now a couple of dollars. And that is the very sad reality we live in today.
Gone too and almost forgotten that during our nation's darkest hours so many looked to the entertainment of the period to escape the daily drudgery. This is where the dapper sophistication of putting on the ritz became the symbolic mannerism of the times. It is so sad that today with the assault on our democratic republic by Trump and Co. that we have lost something more than our inherent rights and freedoms. We have lost sight of what really matters. And that is a government of the people, by the people and for the people been replaced by a government aka Trump and Co. hostile takeover. The rule of law and our Constitution continue to be ignored setting the stage for America Armageddon.
Just think if a cup of coffee was just a dime today maybe this whole world would be filled with allot more humanity. humility. compassion and empathy for all of us all over the world. As they say way back then " putting on the Ritz" the dapper sophistication of a time very similar to the times of today was a period that transformed America. When a cup of coffee was just a dime, we all should remember.
All around the world the multitudes of impoverished see no end to their plight. Even in the United States the plight of so many continues to mount. Any attempt to close the greatest wealth disparity gap in history is swiftly and abruptly squashed. There remains a never ending growing number of those who are swept up into the whirlwind cycle of poverty.
Back when coffee was a dime there seemed to be a more civility among the masses. Even in this nations darkest hour much of this nation was held together by the sheer refinement that society had those many years ago. Now, we live in an age of greed and selfishness. Our leaders of political expediency have plotted, schemed, and shrewdly positioned this country away from the basic principles of our Founding Fathers. In doing so have corrupted the very institutions of government. Now, that cup of coffee sets one back more than $3.00. Heaven forbid you order and espresso! That is like shelling out a second mortgage. And, of course the civility of our nation has been ripped apart, more so by having Trump in the White House.
What this present Administration has done along with our spineless congress has only hastened this nations downfall. From all those foreign policy directives Trump has managed to create a more unstable and hostile world. We are now poised to fall into a period a cataclysm of financial despair. Another Great Depression is most surely on the way.
It was back in the Great Depression though where the phrase " buddy can you spare a dime" was coined.That phrase symbolized the plight of Americans living in deplorable conditions. Through greed and financial posturing by the wealthy elite managed to wipe out millions of hard working Americans financial means. All across the country "Hay buddy can you spare a dime" was the cry of a nation swept up into a period of anguish and torment. It was a good thing though that coffee was just a dime. From the soup kitchens to tent cities the 30's evoked that catch phrase where "Can you spare a dime" meant a difference for millions of Americans.
Even back in the early 1960's 10 cents could actually buy a lot of things. In New York you could still get that cup of coffee and you could ride the subway. Not so today. Prices of everything has risen drastically to the point that millions are unable to make ends meet. The plight of the poor, the impoverished masses has only continued to increase with each passing year.
In the 30's where starving masses lined up in soup kitchens one of the most popular songs of that period used that catch phrase "can you spare a dime" to depict why this nation stole their livelihoods? To a great deal today our own governmental policies has made it much easier for corporations and businesses to siphon off livelihoods leaving millions stranded, abandoned by the very government that is supposed to help in troubled times.
Sure, today there are those so called safety nets, Food stamps, unemployment insurance and other agencies that are supposed to help. But, sadly more often than not these agencies are just foot notes of the large bureaucratic blotted system known as our government. And, Trump and the rest of the Republicans all they want to do is reduce or eliminate all leaving millions to languish in acute poverty.
When coffee was a dime was a period in time where the simplicity of life eased much of the tension and turmoil that grew out of those most difficult and depressing times. Today, the tempo of life is much faster more stressful in practically every way. One has to wonder when you see panhandlers at almost every intersection it's not a dime, they are asking for it is now a couple of dollars. And that is the very sad reality we live in today.
Gone too and almost forgotten that during our nation's darkest hours so many looked to the entertainment of the period to escape the daily drudgery. This is where the dapper sophistication of putting on the ritz became the symbolic mannerism of the times. It is so sad that today with the assault on our democratic republic by Trump and Co. that we have lost something more than our inherent rights and freedoms. We have lost sight of what really matters. And that is a government of the people, by the people and for the people been replaced by a government aka Trump and Co. hostile takeover. The rule of law and our Constitution continue to be ignored setting the stage for America Armageddon.
Just think if a cup of coffee was just a dime today maybe this whole world would be filled with allot more humanity. humility. compassion and empathy for all of us all over the world. As they say way back then " putting on the Ritz" the dapper sophistication of a time very similar to the times of today was a period that transformed America. When a cup of coffee was just a dime, we all should remember.