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Report: Republicans terrified of crossing Trump due to physical threats

Republicans on Capitol Hill are shying away from criticizing Donald Trump’s policies over fears for their physical safety and that of their families, a Democratic member of Congress has said.

Eric Swalwell, a Democratic representative from California, said his Republican colleagues were “terrified” of crossing Trump not only because of the negative impact on their political careers, but also from anxiety that it might provoke physical threats that could cause personal upheaval and require them to hire round-the-clock security as protection.

Republicans on Capitol Hill are shying away from criticizing Donald Trump’s policies over fears for their physical safety and that of their families, a Democratic member of Congress has said.

Eric Swalwell, a Democratic representative from California, said his Republican colleagues were “terrified” of crossing Trump not only because of the negative impact on their political careers, but also from anxiety that it might provoke physical threats that could cause personal upheaval and require them to hire round-the-clock security as protection.

Swalwell’s comments came in a webinar chaired by the journalist Sidney Blumenthal in response to a question on whether Republicans might be driven to rebel against or even impeach Trump.

“I have a lot of friends who are Republicans,” he said. “They are terrified of being the tallest poppy in the field, and it’s not as simple as being afraid of being primaried and losing their job. They know that that can happen.

“It’s more more personal. It’s their personal safety that they’re afraid of, and they have spouses and family members saying, ‘Do not do this, it’s not worth it, it will change our lives forever. We will have to hire around-the-clock security.’ Life can be very uncomfortable for your children.

“That is real, because when [Elon] Musk [Trump’s most powerful ally] tweets at somebody, or Trump tweets at somebody, or calls somebody out, their lives are turned upside down.

“When he tweets at you, people make threats, and you have to take people at their word. And so that is a real thing that my colleagues struggle with.”



I've said this before and it's worth repeating: If you make a threat to do violence against an elected official or a judge (or their families), or make a 'swat' call, you should be arrested, prosecuted and, if convicted, and go to jail. Period.

I'd support a minimum 5 year prison sentence.

Whether it be a threat to the president or the someone on the local school board.

Trump might have to give up golfing for at least one day a week for all the pardon applications he might have to sign.

Of course, let's have all the states and D.C. mirror a new federal law. That way a presidential pardon will only be worth the value of an autographed collector's item.
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DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Would add mass layoffs and firings to that as a threat.

It might be indiscriminate, yet it's a threat to everyone. Not just the people themselves. Yet to the very survival of those using the services provided by those layedoff or fired.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Trump has his Brownshirts out there. 😷
Elessar · 26-30, M
Rightwingers and cowardice, name a more iconic duo
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