Trans Parent Knifes Young Children - Esophagus Reportedly Severed - Judge Puts Alleged Stabber Right Back on Streets
A self-described transgender Canadian man allegedly slashed two young children and posted on social media about the incident after he was granted release. Michael Attwood, 35, who uses the name “Alice,” was charged with aggravated assault after allegedly stabbing the two young children in Grande Prairie, Alberta, on Feb. 19, according to a report from Global News in Canada. The alleged assailant appeared before a Justice of the Peace but was released on conditions until his next court date on March 13.
A seven-year-old sustained minor wounds from the knife, while an eight-year-old endured severe damage to the esophagus and was hospitalized.
That child remains at Alberta Children’s Hospital in Calgary with a severed esophagus and will have to eat from a feeding tube for months, according to a report from Western Standard, a conservative news outlet in Canada.
Here is the animal who did that.
Here in the state of Florida an animal like that would be held without bail. And if that animal were sentenced to prison, it would be a death sentence, because inmates have it in for adult men who hurt children.