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So you ENVY Musk's wealth and Trump's wealth?

You claim Musk and Trump make so much more money than you do, and you ENVY them?

The greatest economist of all time had a brilliant response to such childish ENVY.

What those people who ask for equality have in mind is always an increase in their own power to consume. In endorsing the principle of equality as a political postulate nobody wants to share his own income with those who have less. When the American wage earner refers to equality, he means that the dividends of the stockholders should be given to him. He does not suggest a curtailment of his own for the benefit of those 95 per cent of the earth’s population whose income is lower than his.

Just remember, the American HOMELESS are all a bunch of Elon Musks, compared to the average China resident, or the average India resident.
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Reason10 · 70-79, M
@ElwoodBlues You don't have the education to read his works. He is considered the most brilliant economist of all time and his ideas are as relevant today as when he first wrote them.

And YOU have ZERO room to talk, because pretty much ALL of your ideology centers around this 19th Century hack.

@Reason10 says
He is considered the most brilliant economist of all time
Sorry dude, you hero didn't make the top 10🤣😂

Adam Smith (1723–1790)

David Ricardo (1772 – 1823)

Friedrich List (1789–1846)

John Stuart Mill (1806–1873)

Alfred Marshall (1842–1924)

Millicent Fawcett (1847–1929)

Irving Fisher (1867–1947)

John Maynard Keynes (1883–1946)

Friedrich Hayek (1899–1992)

Milton Friedman (1912–2006)
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@ElwoodBlues Wrong again. Liberal diploma mills reject MIses because he was the real thing.

Those of us with a real education have read Human Action.
@Reason10 says
President Trump INHERITED
a growing economy, growing employment, and falling yearly deficits. Do you really think that, prior to Covid, tRump altered the course of Obama's growing economy?

If so, play !!! Spot the Trump Miracle !!!

Here's ten years of job creation data. Ignore the drop of 22 million jobs when the pandemic started and concentrate on how job creation changed starting in Dec 2017 when tRump introduced his trillion dollar tax cut.

Do you see a "tRump miracle"? Do you see any change in jobs? Do you see any difference whatsoever between job creation rates under Obama and tRump? I surely don't.

Here's monthly rate of job growth in thousands; it's effectively the derivative of the above; it would show any changes in rate of job growth if changes had occurred. See any "tRump miracle"? Me neither!
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@Reason10 says, of tRump,
And he wound up giving America the best economy of all time and WORLD PEACE.

Clinton gave us a FAR better economy, and there were plenty of shooting wars in Africa and the Middle East during tRump's first term.

To paraphrase St Ronald of Reagan:

The trouble with our conservative friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@ElwoodBlues Clinton gave us a FAR better economy, and there were plenty of shooting wars in Africa and the Middle East during tRump's first term.

1. KKKlinton made Saudi Arabia cut its oil output, which caused American gasoline prices to skyrocked. He raised taxes on THE POOR. His negligence in foreign policy allowed a five year operation (the destruction of the World Trade Center) to take place under his nose. President Bush inherited a RECESSION and a TICKING 911 TIME BOMB. KKKlinton was tied with Jimmy KKKarter as the two WORST presidents of the 20th Century.

2. President Trump INHERITED that clusterfuck from Saddam Hussein Obama (who helped create ISIS, by leaving them billions of dollars' worth of American military hardware. At the end of Trump's term there was PEACE in the world, and PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST for the first time in history. It took two years of President Jill Biden (while Adolf Biden napped) to PAY Ukraine to involve itself in a shooting war with Russia. President Jill also ARMED THE FCKING TALIBAN by leaving billions of dollars of American military hardware behind. SEems like all Trump is able to these days is bail the country out of the clusterfuck the goose stepping DemoNaZIS have inflicted on us.
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@Reason10 says, of Tяump
And he wound up giving ... WORLD PEACE.
You live in a FANTASY WORLD!!!

The Somali civil war was a shooting war.

The war in Donbas was a shooting war.

The Iraqi–Kurdish conflict was a shooting war.

The Yemen civil war was a shooting war.

And there were plenty more shooting wars and conficts, mostly in Africa and the middle east. I'll just give you one more; the one where Tяump pulled out US troops that were protecting our Kurdish allies from Turkey. But Tяump was worried about his personal investment in Tяump Towers Istanbul, so he pulled the US troops and sacrificed our allies.

The Syrian civil war was a shooting war.
Chaos in Northern Syria

The civil war entered a new stage in October 2019 after U.S. President Donald J. Trump removed the roughly one thousand U.S. troops supporting Kurdish fighters on the Syria-Turkey border. The surprise move cleared the way for Turkey’s Erdogan to launch a military operation there. Aiming to push Kurdish forces back to establish a twenty-mile-deep buffer zone for returned refugees, Turkish troops and their Syrian rebel allies seized towns and villages, causing hundreds of thousands of people to flee. The SDF turned to the Syrian government for help, allowing regime soldiers to reenter areas that had been held by the Kurds for years. Russian troops also entered the region to support the Syrian government.

@Reason10 says, of Tяump
And he wound up giving ... WORLD PEACE.
Truly, dude,
You live in a FANTASY WORLD!!!
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nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
@Reason10 🎯
Slicker24 · 26-30
@Reason10 As you have probably figured out, I am a bit older than I say I am, but that is another situation. if I was is young as I announced, I sure wouldn't know about how they carried out about Nixon.
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@Slicker24 Nixon's main problem was his inferiority complex. He never thought he was as handsome as the Kennedys. He always felt like he had been cheated in life because of his looks and demeanor. Most of what he did in office was based on emotions, always trying to be popular, always trying to please the other side. He inherited Johnson's Vietnam War and somehow managed to get the full blame for it.

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