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Here's a dare: Put Your SW Name Down With a Yes or No. Did Ukraine, as Donald Trump Recently Said, Start the Current War With Russia?

I seriously doubt any of the MAGAs on SW will take the dare and put their name down below with a yes or no response. But, I thought I give them (and everyone else) a chance to FORMALLY go on the record. No debating here. No trolling. Just your SW name and a yes or a no.

beckyromero NO!!!
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DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
No, Russia started this war 2014. And I'll go further...

Russia invaded Georgia, Russia invaded Syria, Russia invaded central Africa and Russia invaded Afghanistan.

There's a pattern here, I believe.

So Poland would be next if not Finland.
InstructHer · 61-69, M
No and it started in 2014.
No! They were invaded twice!
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
I don’t know what the President said exactly but it’s not what you say it was and I know enough not so take your word on that. However I will say that Russia started the war in question.

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