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Remember those voices telling us that the world wouldn't fall apart with a second Trump term ?

It just did.
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Reason10 · 70-79, M
The world is not falling apart, as much as the Ministry of Propaganda (formerly the TREASON TIMES) wants to think otherwise.

The world is headed toward peace,and the American economy is slowly healing from the effects of the DemoNazis.
That is propaganda, keep peddling that is getting nowhere
LegendofPeza · 61-69, M
@pentagrammom I'm well aware of the definition but what are you applying it to ?
@LegendofPeza the automated processing of media of all types supporting a planned agenda
LegendofPeza · 61-69, M
@pentagrammom Yeah ok , but what does that have to do with my post ?
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@WalksWith I can see your point about the wars on your soil, but what I actually meant is a war with an aggresive foreign power on your soil, not a civil war. The threat from Russia is real, and really nasty in Europe. And when the president of a former ally starts spewing the propaganda, he sees on Russian TV daily, things are getting ugly.
WalksWith · 56-60, F

Oh, yes it's going to get ugly. For sure, for sure! Really, really bad!
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Thewhazzupdude This really is a test for all Americans. Do you finally speak out against a President who lies to the point of rewriting history in real time, by declaring that the Ukraine started this war of invasion?? If not, then you are guilty by association. i dont care who you voted for. Trump is betraying everything America is supposed to stand for..😷

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