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Is the USA entering another 'RED SCARE' scenario i.e. firing gov't employees on suspicion only?

That history repeats itself is a worthy watchphrase that allows 'people' - especially governments to refer back to what happened so as not to repeat the same mistakes. However, without that 'due diligence' of determining what errors were committed and just forging ahead in an uncharted and haphazard manner, much harm can be done: The article here talks about what happened in the 1950s when the US government closed it's mind and opened the doors of its institutions and literally kicked innocent people out into the street.
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Who was fired without reason given ? Put up the list to support the claim.

Voluntary severance package offers are compensated resignations if accepted .. just like in corporate world during downsizing or restructurings. There are some involuntary reductions in those cases too .. but again, compensated.

This is life everywhere else .. govt should be different when bloated and spending is out of control and our tax money is being wasted?

What is happening is long overdue.
sree251 · 41-45, M
What is happening is long overdue.

Why can't JollyRoger see this?
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@sree251 I can see that changes are overdue.....but there is a courtesy in the World Order called 'diplomacy' where an effort is made to keep the feelings between nations at as friendly a level as possible.
In the wotld right now we have an overabundance of bullies, paranoiacs and outright murderers.
What the World Order is calling for at this moment is 'calm'.
The USA is one of the 3 countries whose words echo loudly and therefore they need not be shouting at the rest of the world nor bullying the rest of the is powerful enouggh that it can use 'leverage' instead of force to make change. have a President who is a very insecure person, who lacks diplomacy, who bullys others and is impatient. He also is easily manipulated AND disregards advice from people who are available to advise him and who have expertise on areas in which he is lacking.
SHORT STORY: Nobody can trust him to improve the World Order ....That is a grave cause for concern everywhere.

BOTTOM LINE: He is playing a game of economic brinkmanship where everyone else is lookong for leadership.

With the COVID years of ecomomic distress barely over, and where many economies were damaged, people in other countries do not appreciate his brash approach.

He could br building bridges instead of blowing them up.

Does this answer your question?
@JollyRoger VP Vance was more than diplomatic in Germany in laying out what is coming and why. Heed the advice.
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@BrandNewMan Ok...If that's a definition of diplomacy. As I listened to what he said he said and the feedback from it....he didn't exactly build any btriges. Query 'report on JD Vance in Germany' on Google.
@JollyRoger What is this constant expectation the U.S. should defer its own best interests to benefit others? When is that reciprocated? Sometimes a bit of tough love is what is needed and that was done with an appropriate level of diplomacy. Change is coming.
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@BrandNewMan Hey 'Man'.... We Canadians are not beggars and we don't suck anything for you... If you look hard (meaning: Do some research??) you'll see there are all sorts of treaties signed between our countries and those treaties say how we deal with each other. Now the folks who made those deals were thinking in the best interests of their country when they signed them..
What you have now is a 'cry-baby' who doesn't know how to deal with people and just because he's now the leader of a big strong country, he thinks he can make himself big by bullying the neighbours because he's got control over the might of the USA economy and the military and he thinks he owns them. I think you'll see a change quite soon in how this puff of shit air is sat down by your Congress and told how the country needs to be run instead of how he thinks it should be done. You folks have a tri-partite control system over your government. tRump is on a loose rope "honeymoon' right now, but when the rest of the world starts kicking his shins, I'm betting you'll see your Congress give him some proper 'directions'.
@JollyRoger No mention of Canada in my comments .. specifically Vance's comments that were pretty targeted to the EU. A lot of U.S. citizens want to see real change in our government and its policies. If votes in the next elections follow what put Trump back in office, things could go quite differently than you suppose.
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@BrandNewMan OK... I accept that you were focused on the E.U. in your comment. However: If the USA has always wanted to be a 'world power' and somewhat 'direct' the world events then there's no reason for it to complain now - Most countries have deferred to that approach BECAUSE the decisions and direction have (mostly) been reasonable and well directed.
But: You say the USA is 'due' more respect? I throw it back to you that the governments of other countries are due more respect by the USA! The USA has been directly meddling in the politics of many countries for at least a century (Lets start with the the post WW1 "Tready of Versailles) where it (mostly) dictated the reparations Germany would have to pay - even though the USA was VERY late participating in that war. That dictating in itself gave rise to the German nationalism that Hitler manipulated and which resultingly led to WW2 - which (BTW) the USA declined to put boots on the ground in that conflict until much later than the United Kingdom and Russia who had already engaged Germans. (I"m not denigrating the US contribution - it was welcome and it was worthy), I'm just looking at the politics of it. Then, post-WW2 the OAS mutated to become the CIA and the USA has been a somewhat menacing shadow in every country ever since. (Again, I'm just saying... many countries, Canada included, have felt the presence of the USA at times when it was not needed or warranted). Please take note too that US 'largess' in providing aid has always been accompanied by concessions of natural resources, land access concessions or indirect control of the country's internal policies (propping up dictators).
SO the Bottom line is: That where the USA 'thinks' the world should be showing more appreciation for the US aid that has been provided - the USA (read 'tRump' who has NO knowledge or interest in world history) is now seen as 'demanding' respect when that respect has already been returned and the USA might wish to re-gauge what it is demanding in more 'friendly' terms. Again: DIPLOMACY is what is visibly lacking - and NO - if you read the feedback about JD"s trip - he did not build bridges.

Whooo-ee.... I just saw the news where tRump accuses Zelensky of 'starting' the war in Ukraine.??? (and that's just recent history!!)
@JollyRoger Jesus .. you really get off spewing your opinions, dont you? What a gas-bag.
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