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A Reign of Terror

For millions the anxiety and apprehension of the coming applications of what is already occurring from what the Trump regime continues to do or get away with is a stark reminder of how Hitler gained control of Germany in the 1930's. It seems as though history always finds a way in repeating because many of us have become too ignorant to stop it. The camouflage that surrounds the ideologies that manifest into the scenarios we keep witnessing by this administration is nothing more than a hostile takeover of our federal government.

The magnitude of Trumps disregard for the rule of law and our Constitution has been on display since day one. Those unscrupulous members of congress who follow in lockstep to Trump's ruthless directives have set in motion a reign of terror not only here in the US but around the world. And now one of the most sacred principles of our founding is in the cross hairs of the Trump White House which will have devastating consequences for generations to come. The dismantling of the Dept. Of Education would set the stage for what Hitler did in the 1930's.

The long train of abuses by what this administration has already gotten away with has put America on a collision course toward catastrophe. By imposing tariffs very much like Smoot- Hawley Act of 1930 is again a tribute to Trumps failure to learn the lessons history is supposed to teach us. We are now poised to experience one of the greatest economic and financial calamities in history. Make no mistake we are being led into the total collapse of our democratic republic.

We have always been a nation made up by immigrants coming from all over the world. We fought a revolution to break away from tyrannical rule and set up our democratic republic. A nation founded on four basic principles of Justice, Liberty, Morality and Education. It was Benjimin Franklin that when asked what kind of government our founding fathers made "A republic if you can keep it." And today all indications point to the fact we are losing it.

Failure to not address the most crucial period in our nation's history since the Civil War is not an option. The Trump Administration and the MAGA republicans have already attacked our civil liberties, our heritage and our fundamental rights guaranteed by The Bill of Rights and our Constitution. Do we dare sit ideally by and witness the collapse of our democratic republic or do act collectively with a steadfast resolve to secure our nation like Abraham Lincoln stated in the Gettysburg Address "That this nation, under god, shall have a new birth of freedom and that a government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth."

We the people have it within us to guarantee that our future as a nation, a democratic republic, as Lincoln stated shall not perish but continue to flourish for generation to come. There are ways to preserve our heritage, secure our future prosperity while not jeopardizing the covenant that our founding fathers put forth in the Bill of Rights, The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The exact opposite is what is already occurring under Trump today.
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Its fine for Americans to now moan about the Evil orange one and how the place is being turned into Trumpistan with overtones of Gilead. And all that may be true. but lets not skip over the failures and apathy of the average American that led you all to this place, whether you voted for him or not.
Decades of livings on borrowed money and rigging world trade for an easy ride, then paying off industires with bribes called subsidies and selling people the idea that a gun equals freedom is wearing thin and Trump is now turning the world against America. Inside America you may be divided and paralysed. Outside America, precious few people care. Sorry. Its hard to be empathetic when the school bully takes a bad tumble being a jackass..😷
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@ffony I absolutely agree. It is just that the world is now global in so many ways. Now all you really need to be a good neighbour is a good fence. I understand it wasnt always that way and Canada has 200 years of shared history in defence, trade and finance as well as a (mostly) common language. So FORD make a lot of stuff that employs Canadians. Ford GM and Chrysler used to make stuff here too. But they dont any more. That was their decision after the money we paid them to be here wasnt enough for them..So in the end its about money and how much your deal is worth to you and to them. Sudsidies and tariffs muddy the waters of what should be a straighfoward relationship.
One party acting like an @$$hole only encourages the other party to pick up their ball and go home. And the @$$hole shouldnt be surprised when that happens..In our case, we took the import tax off what used to be called "luxury" cars and a lot more people drive BMW, Mercedes and Audi (as well as the Japanese Korean and Chinese cars) than used to and not many GM Ford or Chrysler cars are imported.😷
ffony · M
So in the end its about money
Sad but true.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@ffony I sometimes wish I could be more cheerful.. But being all about the money means I do get to cut through what we want it to be to what is..😷
Bumbles · 51-55, M
The failure of Reconstruction is still being felt i.e., the neo-Confederacy.
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swirlie · F
America got what America voted for! What's to not understand about that?
swirlie · F
...and everyone was so afraid of what a female named Kamala might do! 🤣
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ffony · M
@Patriot96 Go find a flag to fall on your knees and grovel before.
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ffony · M
@Patriot96 Thanks for showing us the inside of your mind.

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