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Is Trump trying to start a new war in the Middle East?

Is he upset that Egypt and Jordan are the only two countries sharing borders with Israel and living in peace?
Isn't the land Israel stole from Palestine, Lebanon and Syria enough?? One day Israel is really going to bite more than it can chew and it's going to get bad. This can be the start of the end for that greedy monster aka Israel.

Everything aside I really wish we can have a new Yitzahac Rabin, that man had a solution.
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nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
No, just the opposite. How can you be so confused?
@nudistsueaz By your way of thinking all Californians should all move to another country as well after the fires destroyed their homes.
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
@PiecingBabyFaceTogether I'm sure you have no idea what I think. The people there have continued to elect and reelect the same people that contribute to the reacquiring problems and issues there. I have always found that amazing, don't you?
@nudistsueaz Are we still talking about Gaza or California? Because that really applies to both places.
WE definitely need a 🙄 reaction emoji.
@RoguishEyes What does that mean?
Prison1203 · 61-69, M
This is what it means

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