How does this make sense
Trump wants to spend all this money to fix Gaza a place we didn't even bomb let alone cause.... but yet he wants to dismantle FEMA and get rid of any federal disaster help for American citizens.
Then he wants our tax dollars to purchase tiktok. My answer is.... Kiss my ass
And by the way people of Gaza this post is not meant to be derogatory towards you this is just to say the leader of a Nation should be taking care of its own people before it takes care of everyone else and if it does not do that then it is not good leadership in the interest of that country
Then he wants our tax dollars to purchase tiktok. My answer is.... Kiss my ass
And by the way people of Gaza this post is not meant to be derogatory towards you this is just to say the leader of a Nation should be taking care of its own people before it takes care of everyone else and if it does not do that then it is not good leadership in the interest of that country