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Do u approve of what Donald Trump is doing to the US right now 🤔 🇺🇸

He's enforcing tariffs.
Cancelled DEI.
Cancelled USAID.
He's cutting out transgenderism.
He's cutting food programs for children.
He's cutting out government jobs.
He's anti diversity.
He's anti FBI.
And he hates Democracy.
The Stock Market is in a mess.
The food prices are still going up.
Donald Trump wants to be a dictator, and isolate the USA and turn it into a homogeneous....myopic...anti diversity society that values the rich and neglects the poor.
This guy is nuts. 😂
Do you approve. Best answer wins. 🤔🇺🇸

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gregloa · 61-69, M
He’s fixing the enormous mess the prier administration has gotten us in and it’s going to take more than a couple weeks to do it. He’s completely draining the swamp and he’s installing sane people that have common sense. He’s eliminating government waste and stupidity. He’s eliminating government fraud. People who need food stamps will end up getting more than they were. Social security will also get more wait and see. Right now people on ss are living in severe poverty. But there will be no more people getting any fraudulent government assistance. People will be treated more fairly and crooks will go to jail. They won’t pass go and they certainly won’t collect 200 dollars. Companies will make their products in the USA again and our economy will thrive again. We will be energy independent and prices will drastically drop across the board eventually. We need to be patient. It can’t be much worse than it has been. Our borders will be secure and drug trafficking will drastically decrease. Migrants will be welcomed legally. Murders and rapist and crooks will not. The leaders of the USA have been completely out of control for quite some time and they are and will continue to be the biggest crooks the nation has ever seen with insider trading and the likes and blowing our hard earned money and money that doesn’t even exist on unsustainable stupidity. It has got to stop. NOW! It is not sustainable. It simply cannot continue. It will absolutely completely destroy the country. Absolute power has corrupted. Absolutely! There is no doubt about it! There is no denying it! You’re DAMN right I approve of what Donald Trump is doing in the US right now!!! It’s about time someone had the balls to stand up to these a$$ holes and expose their hypocrisy and they are freaking the f ck out!!!!! Anyone with half a brain knows this to be true.
Zonuss · 46-50, M
@gregloa It all sounds great. But if the establishment continues to push for illegal immigrants cheap labor and the exportation of jobs.... nothing will be permanent. Only temporary. We shall see.
gregloa · 61-69, M
It’ll be up to us in four years to make sure.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
@gregloa I will say that I was surprised to see the Mexican government seend 10,000 troops to enforce the border - although promising is one thing - and maintaining them is another - so we'll wait and see on that one.

I saw a news report that the Europeans were taking steps to increase their own security - I mean it IS their part of the world and the US has an interest in making sure Russia/China don't extend their influence.

But do I expect everything to be fixed? HELL no, regardless of the party. Elon Musk is a megalomaniac and Trump isn't much better. You can't expect a bunch of rich people to take over the government and look out the little guy.
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ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Pretzel I wonder how long the Trump / Musk mutuality will last..... Neither seem the sort to play second-fiddle to the other.

I woinder why Elon Musk rather makes me think of the Russian "oligarchs"? They made fortunes from privatised State industries while helping Vladimir Putin gain absolute power in their own country, but once no longer of use to him, probably, wisely keep safely out of things.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
@ArishMell on a related note, just read where there is some action toward impeaching a couple of the federal judges - who ruled against the prez.

interesting times
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Pretzel "Interesting" indeed, and very worrying for the USA, but could the President really have federal judges impeached just because he does not like their decisions? Rather than ask himself what he might have done to attract legal rulings against him?
Pretzel · 61-69, M
@ArishMell the news article said it was a long shot - meaning not a big chance.

according to the constitution they can only be impeached for "bribery, treason or high crimes and misdemeanors"

a judiciary conference has to determine there is just cause

they forward to the lower house of congress where they need a simple majority to impeach and then the upper house has to have a 2/3 majority - and the republicans don't have a 2/3 majority so a bunch of the democrats would have to go along

so mainly it's just more bluster and intimidation under the guise of law.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Pretzel Thankyou for explaining it.

If an action like that did succeed, apart from any domestic repercussions it could cause serious harm to America's international standing.