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Evil corporate America? Biden slams “tech oligarchs” after he and then Kamala pocketed billions in 2024 campaign contributions.

Photo above - Biden nodding off during Jimmy Carter's funeral. Luckily, white house staff managed to wake him in time for Wednesdays farewell address: an attack on Trump donors. Look at Bill Clinton's expression, gazing into the camera. It's like: "can you effing believe this?"

Okay – I get it. Biden is still peeved about losing his job. What 82 year old career politician wouldn't be? The president is non-stop dissing and moaning about how he really would have won if only people had never persuaded him to drop out. Pres. Biden, we're convinced. You ARE disconnected from reality. No need to keep making the point again and again.

In his rambling, halting farewell address, President Biden used to the opportunity to slam the incoming president and his campaign backers. Contributors Biden used to call his friends: Musk, Zuckerberg, Bezos. The president’s actual quote: there is a “dangerous concentration of power in the hands of a very few ultra wealthy people”. Which was apparently okay in 2020, when those ultra wealthy people backed HIS presidential campaign. Is this hypocritical, or simply because his speechwriters think nobody remembers?

Bill Gates specifically is NOT seen as a threat by Biden. Because Bill contributed a whopping $50 million (not a misprint) to Kamala’s campaign. Media big shot Michael Bloomberg was also forked over $50 million to Kamala. If Microsoft and Bloomberg news aren’t “dangerous concentrations of power”, then I’m the one who is completely wrong about all this.

Biden probably regards Jeff Bezos as the biggest “threat to democracy”. Because the Bezos'-owned Washington Post endorsed Sleepy Joe in the 2020 election, but then refused to endorse ANYONE in 2024. The nerve of Bezos! Political neutrality and skepticism about septuagenarian politicians is a sure sign of corporate danger, right?

To be fair and balanced, I think putting Elon in charge of ANYTHING in the federal government – officially or on the QT – is a huge mistake. He’s already creating enough chaos as a pot smoking, twitter destroying, serial collector of tax subsidies. Elon’s one valid point may be that America should encourage MORE international workers with valuable skills to come to this country. Get jobs, pay taxes, and work under their own identities. But that's hardly a threat to democracy either.

Let’s put a leash on the politics of envy. And identify politics. And vilification of religious of faiths we don't personally practice. (full disclosure – I’m secular). Biden’s fare well address is just another last-minute hand grenade tossed on the table to cause chaos. The only silver lining is that clearly Biden never personally wrote any part of it. The text came straight from his handlers in the West Wing. The same ones who have been concealing his dementia for several years, and who lost the election for Kamala.

I’m just sayin’ . . .

The 10 biggest billionaire donors to Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, and others this election
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Broache73 · 51-55, F
It’s hilarious how Genocide Joe spent his entire four year Administration using Tech Companies to suppress dissent and censor critics. He now claims those same Tech Companies are a threat to democracy.

He awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to billionaire parasite George Soros, who notoriously uses his money to meddle in Elections and fund Ultra-Woke Politicians. Billionaires who fund causes on the Right are... a threat to Democracy.

We've got bigger Fish to fry, After all, Sleepy Joe believes that he's not responsible for any of the Inflation of his tenure, and expresses no concern about the massive Deficit Spending and Debt he accumulated.

If he's still awake or living, He simply didn’t understand: the Inflation we're still experiencing has literally been caused by his Trillion-Dollar Deficit Spending. The National Debt now at $36.2 trillion on Genocide Joe’s final Business day in Office, the Government is dangerously close to the point of no return.

Without serious Budget Cuts... without a massive regulatory overhaul... and without a major reset in the way the Government does Business... the US will quickly be into a Debt spiral.

The US Government already spends 100% of its Tax Revenue just to pay for Entitlement Spending. In fact, Interest on the Debt exceeds $1 Trillion per year, and easily DOUBLE to more than $2 Trillion over the next couple years.

The incoming Administration has an extremely limited window of opportunity to put the Economy and Government Finances back on track. But success is far from certain... and for that reason it still makes so much sense to have a Plan B.
He wasn’t slamming the “wealthy” NY donors who he went to during his campaign, hat in hand seeking their monetary donations. He got 25 million. I wonder, did he tell THEM to pay “ their fair share”? I doubt it
Bernie voted for fascism. The Dems captured control of half the US regime, but they're not doing things for the voters! Two right wing parties of war and you understand that's why change can't help the dying nation of sick people. You win that as Dems.
@SusanInFlorida unfortunately the two parties aren't held accountable by voters - the voters don't care. They're fine with the results and typically not capable of civility or political thoughts. Therefore democracy can't help the dying nation. It's beyond reason and smuggly stays there. The possibility of teaching these participants what is happening is near zero. They can't do things in their collective best interest.
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F

Voters DO care. But only about 1 thing at a time. America (as a nation) reads at the 5th grade level when it reads at all. The "single issues" likely to bring out voters are things like:

1 - forgiving student debt
2 - raising the minimum wage
3 - building a wall and making mexico pay for it
4 - free healthcare
5 - free college
6 - legalizing pot.
7 - Tesla subsidies
8 - rooftop solar subsidies.

anything that puts money directly into someone's pocket has the potential of turning into a sure-fire single-issue voting meme.
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Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Can you say: SOROS
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@Patriot96 i'm not sure if he contributed to the 2024 campaign or not. do you have info?

at one point he was accused of secretly funding migrant caravans heading from central america to the US border. His objective appears to be destabilization, like China and russia.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@SusanInFlorida he financed liberal judges
graphite · 61-69, M
Biden: "We are being taken over by evil oligarch billionaires! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to count my latest millions from the Biden family influence peddling business, which revolves around me."
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@graphite biden is famously a "bottom feeder" as far as wealth goes. he's said (at various times) that he "doesn't believe in the stock market"' "doesn't own an IRA or 401K". Most of the money he has comes from sweetheart real estate deals. and even those weren't eye poppingly lucrative.

while else would Hunter Biden have to resort to NFT's to get money on the QT? they're most untraceable, like crypto currency.
Biden’s speech was lame.

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