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Love comes naturally, hate is taught.

I think a lot of people on this site, particularly (but not only) those on the far right, should remember this, and then think of their children.

Love one another ❤
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SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
The problem is that they don't view the things they do as hateful, they view it as love. Like the anti gay far righters that I've argued with and you see in the news genuinely think that it's wrong because a, b, c, d... so you can't really convince them. But your post is very true regardless.
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Reason10 · 70-79, M
It's the opposite.
Hate is a base emotion. It is kind of a defense, mostly in animals.
Humans are born animals, and can easily descend into very violent behavior without any parental controls.
Love is a much more complicated concept, one usually passed on by parents.
@Reason10 Well it seems as though you have no interest in loving one another, which is sad, but I guess that's the way a lot of right-wing Americans are these days.
Cierzo · M
I do not think anybody disagrees on that. The difference between the political right and left is that the right focuses that love in people and collectives that are close, and the left in faraway countries like Palestine, and in ethnicities and religions other than their own
I do not think anybody disagrees on that.

Someone does. A clear MAGA cultist and borderline Neo-Nazi on this thread.
Mankind is a material being.
The society we impose on people creates their ethics and their souls. Capitalism robbed all the West of the nice parts, going through your daily routine formed the evil we know as war everywhere. B
But, material Man, choosing to go through other motions to make peace? That's leftist, Marxist, commie thinking. So yup. Never ever with the peace - only always Murka war.
@Roundandroundwego This has nothing to do with my post.
Vin53 · M
Hate isn't taught. It's learned. From the very first instance someone pisses you off.

which is incredibly soon after conception.
Alyosha · 31-35, M
Children are blind to nuance. Not a good model for cognition.
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