There's nothing at all wrong with asking anything. However, not ruling out economic or military means to get what you're asking for is beyond 'free speech' and becomes threats.
@softspokenman Two reasons the felon Putin stooge wants the Panama Canal. First Panama currently have sanctions that refuse to allow Russian ships to pass thru. If Putin's Buttboy can take control of the Canal........guess what person named Vlad will pat Donnie on the head???
And second Trump has refused to pay taxes on his hotel and golf course in Panama for Panama took over both.............took the felon's name off of them and now they are the property of Panama.
If it's money..........or explains what trump does.
Actually, the truth of that exchange has never come out.
There are two items at issue here. 1. The American Embassy presence in Greenland (as well as Panama and a few other countries) is almost non existent. America walked away from those two countries in 2001. 2. Because of the vacuum presented by that action, the CHINESE are looking to fill those voids. Only a TRAITOR masquerading as a president would want to ignore what's happening there.
America is TRILLIONS of dollars in the hole, thanks to Democrat welfare spending. This country can't afford the down payment to buy an uninhabited island, much less a country.