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Are SUVs a Symptom of Crumbling American Infrastructure and Uneducated Drivers?

DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
You get what you can afford. Is there anything for free like my current LOW mileage SUV?

I don't drive that much anymore anyway. And bus service is terrible here. Have to go 30 miles just to the nearest hospital. Which doesn't take veterans benefits.

Fix the transport system first before you criticize anyone! Fix the lack of medical services first. Fix the cost of anything first, because I couldn't afford to live here, without free transportation in a desert!

I would have to move to a RED state without anything as well.

Yes there are benefits in living in a blue state. Yet not enough to cover the enormous costs of rent.

Transportation with a free SUV over a year cost far below the rent over a month. That includes maintenance, gas, insurance and everything.

I truly believe the point really needs to emphasize thinking things through before you do or get anything.

It doesn't matter what it is. Whether it's the weather or driving or costs of goods or for medical care or even housing.

Think things ALL the way through. That's what this society really lacks.

helenS · 36-40, F
SUVs are cash cows! 👍🏼
At least in Paris, where you've got to pay MUCH more to park your SUV, compared to a compact car.
Long live Anne Hidalgo!
🌷 <== For Anne
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Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
Not hardly!

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