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OMG – I’m completely evil. I use some of most America’s “most hated brands”. Do you?

Photo above - Facebook won top prize for America's Most Hated Company (see link below). But are they really worse than X, Southern California Edison, or Harvard? None of THOSE even made the list of nominees.

My inbox is always filled with lists of the worst (and best) movies and TV shows. So it was refreshing to get a different worst-list this morning: “America’s most hated brands”. (see link below)

I felt I could predict a few of these without even looking. Because of non-stop hate rants on Reddit and other sites. Amazon. Tesla. Microsoft. Google. Easy-peasy, no?

Not so much, it turns out. First on the list was Wells Fargo, where I have my checking account. On the basis of size alone I should have predicted WFC, I suppose. But it’s NOT larger than Chase, Citibank, and Bank of America. I suppose most people hate all banks, because they set the bar high: stop overdrawing your account, and make your credit card payment by the due date. But have you ever tried to actually SWITCH checking accounts? It’s a nightmare. All those direct deposits and direct debits need to be rerouted. This is why bank relationships are called “sticky” and people mostly don’t end them unless they get shown the door for repeated misbehavior.

Moving along . . . EA sports? Sorry, I’m not a gamer. Spirit Airlines . . . never used them. But if you shop for a flight at the lowest possible fare, you should expect some shenanigans I suppose. Marlboro? Get real. Who still smokes except alcoholics and construction workers?

Ticketmaster . . . here’s one I can relate to, even if I don’t use them. A $150 Eras Tour ticket to Taylor Swift (the cheapest seat possible) ends up over $250 by the time Ticketmaster fees are added in. $500 for two attending. No thanks, I have her on Spotify (the free version).

Comcast. Okay here’s another company I use. But they’ve gotten better. Rarely an outage. If you think Comcast is bad, ask your friends who have Dish or Direct TV what THEIR experience is like.

Amazon IS on the list. Because it pays warehouse pickers "only" $22 an hour, and provides health and education benefits? Where else can a dropout or parolee get a reset as sweet as that? Personally, I might hate Amazon because Bezos has a personal yacht bigger than a Titanic, but I’m happy with product selection, pricing, and delivery.

Uber. Drivers complain about low tips. Passengers complain about lack of safety and driver rip-offs. Arm them both, and let god sort ‘em out, I say.

My Pillow. Don’t own one. Don’t know anybody who does. Evidently it made the list because the founder gave money to Trump. On that basis we immediately need to add all the corporate executives flying in and out of Mar a Largo recently to kiss Trumps ring.

Tesla. Hardly America’s (or the worlds) worst automaker. I can’t afford one (I drive a Honda Civic Hybrid), but I guess all the hate is due to Musk. Interestingly X (formerly Twitter) did not make the “most hated list”. I blame America’s poor reading comprehension for this oversight.

Facebook. Yes I have an account. No I don’t use it for shopping, political rants, or as a contest to see how many friends I can lure. If I wanted that I’d go on “Only Fans”. I use Facebook to keep family members and a few select friends and coworkers in the loop aboutr my dreary life. Facebook more hated than Reddit? Well, at least Facebook's redditors aren’t constantly deleting posts so their own items get more prominence.

I’m just sayin’ . . .

13 Most Hated American Brands
Facebook has over a decade of decisions that piss people off and apparently others memory hole.

Everything from pioneering boosting fights and toxicity for "engagement " to privacy and user safety to election manipulation and social experimentation.

Amazon is famous for poor to dangerous work conditions. People in warehouses using piss bottles because bathroom breaks are not efficient, having ambulances on site because taking people to the ER with heat stroke is cheaper than AC, union busting and the list goes on and on.

EA sports has been releasing the same games every year for a decade and jacking up the price when literally the only chance is updated team rosters. And somehow many have still been broken on release day.

Tesla.....Cybertruck. enough said.

My Pillow's Mike Lindell didn't just give money to Trump. He was bankrolling the 2020 election fraud conspiracy theory And spreading the most ridiculous false information.

It is why he got sued like Ruddy.

And yeah both fans and even famous bands have been critical of the Ticketmaster monopoly since the 90s.

Pearl Jam comes immediately to mind.
beckyromero · 36-40, F
Haven't used Facebook in years, haven't been using X either. But did with both.

Is it possible to live without Amazon? I suppose. But it's not so much their pricing that impresses me, but finding stuff you need or want that is so damned difficult to find anywhere else because of all the lack of inventory and product selection of "brick and mortar" stores (which of course Amazon is much to blame).
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@beckyromero it's worth it not to have to hike for 15 minutes through Target, back and forth, to find what I need. Just point and click on Amazon. The user reviews (stars) at least let me believe whatever I'm buying is not a total scam.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Amazon is the only thing I have used on your post. And I haven't used it in over half a year now.
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@DeWayfarer i only use chain supermarkets for fresh/refrigerated/frozen foods, and items so heavy that it costs a fortune to deliver them on amazon.

i use amazon for: rice, cosmetics, cereal, laundry detergent, bedding, vitamins . . .
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@SusanInFlorida I only used it for products that I just can't get within the 50 mile area.

I want to see what I am getting first.

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