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Trump Names Tammy Bruce to Be Spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State.

Tammy Bruce was president of the Los Angeles chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW), from 1990–1996.

Although she supported both Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer in their successful U.S. Senate races in 1992, Bruce eventually became "radicalized" by conservatives, eventually hosting her own talk radio show and joining FOX News as a frequent commentator.

Bruce was once in a relationship with actress Brenda Benet. The two broke up not long before Benet shot and killed herself. Benet was severely depressed over the death of her young son (who she had with actor Bill Bixby). Tragically, six-year-old son Christopher died in March 1981 of acute epiglottitis, going into a coma and cardiac arrest after doctors subsequently carried out a tracheotomy.

Benet was a fixture in many 1960s TV shows, such as Wonder Woman, Hogan's Heroes, McHale's Navy, I Dream of Jeannie, as well as the soaps The Young Marrieds and Days of Our Lives.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
She a power digger. Like Gabbard. 😞

She was a host in Fox Nation as well before this. As well as
chosen to serve Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Transition Team


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