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On the 12th day of Carter-mas . . .

Photo above - President Carter hosts Anwar Sadat of Egypt and Menachem Begin of Israel at Camp David, to negotiate a historic peace accord.

You CANNOT speak ill of the dead. You simply cannot. All the news media, including Fox, Al Jazeera, and the Rachel Mad-As-Hell show agree on this. And I’m NOT here to trash the reputation of someone who – until a year or two ago – was continually roasted as America’s lamest president. There will be 12 days of Carter remembrances, culminating with a stock market holiday on January 9th (???) But why this? I would have test-launched a "dummy" missile from a nuclear sub as the commemoration instead, but that's just me.

There’s a lot to be said for Jimmy Carter. Let’s review his accomplishments.

1 - President Carter began his journey to the White House by inheriting a peanut farm and a general store. Not a $300 million real estate empire.

2 - Carter attended the Annapolis military academy. He did not get his education at an elite Ivy League school like Yale or Columbia.

3 - After graduating from Annapolis, carter learned how to pilot seaplanes, fire 40MM anti aircraft guns, and helped design the first US nuclear power submarines. He did not become a lawyer, mogul, or career politician.

4 - While President, Carter launched a covert military mission to attempt the rescue of 53 American hostages held captive in Iran. Carter did not concede defeat in the middle east, or turn over any military bases, armaments, or intelligence assets over to a radical Islamic insurgency which bans women from getting an education.

5 - Also while president, Carter negotiated the canal transfer to Panama. He did not unilaterally sign a nuclear weapons development deal with an Islamic theocracy and then withhold that treaty it from a congressional vote because it was certain to fail.

6 - Carter did not use a televised “State of the Nation” speech to attack the US Supreme Court for a ruling which overturned one his decisions.

7 - Two of Carter’s federal appeals court nominees later were elevated to the supreme court by later presidents – Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer.

8 - Carter did not have his Attorney General secretly supply guns to Mexican drug cartels, to see what might happen next.

9 - Carter DID have an embarrassing brother named “Billy”, who was guilty of repeatedly impersonating various US officials during beer infused international junkets. Carter felt no need to pro-actively pardon his Billy for all past and future crimes which might someday come to light.

10 - Carter did NOT use the death of a past president as an opportunity to unleash a tirade against his successor.

11 - After leaving the white house, Carter was instrumental as a spokesperson and leader for “Habitat for humanity.” He did not preside over horrific increases in American homelessness, or retreat to a lavish retirement mansion.

Based on this comparison, it appears Carter’s longstanding reputation as “America’s Worst President” may have been too harsh. I can name at least 3 which were worse.

I’m just sayin’ . . .
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Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
History is showing Jimmy Carter to be a very underrated President. Thanks for a brief list of his accomplishments in the White House.

Which other president would start and participate in an organization to build homes for the poor?

Other than his brother I don't remember any scandals involving him, his family or cabinet. (He was the first President I voted for.)

Many modern politicians pretend to be pious. He was a true Christian in the way he lived.
dale74 · M
I may not agree with him politically or many of his decisions but he was a man with a good heart who cared about others and truly wanted what was best for America and the American people.
22Michelle · 61-69, T
Regarding no 4 it should also be remembered that thd negotiations for the release of the hostages was completed and signed off under Carter. Due to the Iranians hate of Carter they delayed the release until Reagan took office. It has been reported that emissarys of Reagan did reach out to the Iranians to have the release delayed until he took office. Shades of Nixon's team pre election promising the North Vietnamese better peace terms if they stalled on negotiations with the Johnson administration. In both cases that should have been investigated and tried as Treason by those super patriotic Republicans.
Thatsright · 61-69, M
On a lighter note,
Agreed. Carter wasnt exciting, but he was far from the worst.
Thatsright · 61-69, M
President Carter’s legacy is the Islamic Republic of Iran and unrest in the Middle East for many generations.
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
Life before corporately owned cable news networks and hyper personalized social media.

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