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REPORT: China to Build 1,000 Nukes by 2030.

The Pentagon has released its annual congressionally mandated report on China’s military and security developments.

China’s stockpile of operational nuclear warheads has also increased from more than 500 last year to more than 600 in 2024, the report said.

It will have more than 1,000 by 2030, the Pentagon said, as Beijing pushes “to modernize, diversify, and expand its nuclear forces rapidly.”

This, it said, would enable China to “target more US cities, military facilities, and leadership sites than ever before in a potential nuclear conflict.”

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Elessar · 26-30, M
They won't be the only. The lesson the world has learned from the Russian-Ukraine war is that the only thing that guarantees your sovereignty is having a nuclear arsenal, and no superpower can be trusted to defend you or not invade you if you have none.

I think China's just anticipating the upcoming proliferation, and reducing their reliance on Russia.
@Elessar peace prospects from a Western perspective? What alternatives to this war can you devils imagine - none, as usual, because you are murderers?
Nimbus · M
If their quality control of production is anything like the cars they make half that amount won't won't see the light of day.
@Nimbus the USA sure has the worst highway death rate ever! Anywhere. But you still sound like it's fine for you!
So superior and so dangerous, the USA.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@Nimbus yeah yet even Russian's stock pile is most in their reserves. Russian active missiles only slightly out number ours. Their reserve missiles are almost three times as much.

It's why Russia has more than the USA, China, France and England combined.
The idea of disarmament really makes the West squeel and wet itself, doesn't it?
You can't let peace happen because you won't be able to rule over anyone.
Awe! Just shut up.
The West already said a trillion a year for nukes and expansion everywhere. Nukes in Sweden! Just keep the war going,-we don't expect anything else from you.

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