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Turbulent Times

The turbulent times of today require an understanding of how societies rebound from all the disingenuous policies that leaders of nations impose upon their nations. The falsehood that the US is the richest nation in the world is just that. Sure, we have some of the wealthiest individuals sheltering in America. But the majority of Americans are not monetarily wealthy.

A rich nation is defined not by monetarily wealth. It is defined by the health, happiness, abundance of fresh food, water, proper sanitation, housing, clothing and in general a quality of life free from want, worry, and fear. The wealth of a nation is also defined by having the majority of the population being able to fulfill the Williams Theory of Economic Evolution. This is where populations have enough disposable incomes to spend, pay down debt, invest and save 10% yearly. That defines a nation's wealth.

The United States is nowhere near being considered the wealthiest nation in the world, We inadvertently succumbed to a much-lowered standard where the hording of monetary wealth has displaced generosity for the common good. We now have a government use monetary wealth to oppress instead of uplifting the public.

We have to remember that poverty is a failure of society. And it is quite evident here in the United States today. No longer are we considered a benevolent society. The rise in homelessness, lack of affordable shelter, food and the overall cost of living is a sign of how far we have failed as a nation. Instead of using the monetary wealth that so few possess to actually warm the hearts of those millions whose lives languish in servitude they in turn are a constant reminder of what Charles Dickens was conveying in A Christmas Corol.

Humanity, humility, compassion and generosity all are the business of mankind. Too many leaders, nations and societies have all lost sight of what is right and just for all. Our Founding Fathers when they put forth the Declaration of Independence and the Original Constitution understood the concept of liberty, justice, morality, and education in those very important documents. Sadly, the erosion is almost complete by the greed and lack of character of those who continue to garnish more power, control and wealth. Turbulent times are surely ahead
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
The society that spawned Independent America is now a thing of the past. Unfortunately the evolution brought on by the Industrial Revolution and technology has outpaced much of the cultural and social order in America. Next it will be the turn of China and after that I see the potential of Africa as the next big thing after that.
As has always been the way, the current superpower sows the seeds of its own destruction with the successor, while falling into decay itself..😷
Jokersswild · 22-25VIP
The US is a finance economy. US citizens continue to be hoodwinked by Wall Street and as long as that continues, billionaires will laugh all the way to the bank. The thing that is challenging the US now is BRICS and the end of the dollar dominance.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Jokersswild All this is true. But it gets worse. BRICS is coming after the US agriculture market, moving away from American exports and also moving those exports out of $US sales. The first round of Trumps Trade wars knocked the rust off old agreements, and soy, corn and other grain sales never recovered. Prices have fallen and the sheltered US producers cant compete with Brazil and Argentina now.. And their production is unsibsidized and ramping up fast. Soon those rural states w9ill have little or no markets. I wonder who they will vote for then?😷
swirlie · F
Turbulent times are surely ahead

I disagree! Turbulent times are happening right now in America! I don't need tomorrow to point out the obvious to me!
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@swirlie Buckle up and strap in tight.. Its going to get rougher..😷
swirlie · F
Oooo! I hope it's going to be at least as much fun as riding the mechanical stallion down at the pool hall in town! 🫏
There's no resistance there; people in the USA and the EU admit they're poor for war. No response. No change! Fascism was always at home there.
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