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The Dire State

The US today has become the antistes of what our nation was supposed to be. We have lost sight of our founding principles where life, liberty, and the ability to not only pursue but actually achieve relative happiness has ceased to exist for millions. Never before in our brief history have, we seen so much unapologetic behavior where lives and livelihoods have been lost due to the disingenuous policies that our politicians and many corporate leaders of industry continue to unleash unto the American public.

The wheels of injustice have already started turning. No longer are we in control of our own destiny. The erosion of our founding principles has unleashed the juggernaut of invasive and destructive policy directives eliminating any chance that we the public will ever regain our moral compass. We inadvertently succumbed to false pretenses fueled by our own disillusion to the realities of our own doing.

We are now living in a world void of the pleasantries of a time long since passed. The scope of the harshness of our world is vast complicated by the destructive nature that governments impose onto the public. With no rhyme and apparently no reason the new Trump administration has set off a chain of events that are bound to have almost irreversible consequences for millions the world over.

Many can remember what Christmas and the holiday season was like many years ago. Now we are thrust into an era where apprehension confronts our failure to recognize what we have actually done to society. Could it be that the tempo of life has moved to fast or that we again have failed to learn from what history is supposed to teach us?

It is at this time of year where remembrance of things past should come into focus and awaken a sense of nostalgia that all good things in life be passed on for generations to come. And yet what have we today is an awareness like that old song by Chad and Jeremy "all good things must end some day, Autumn leaves must fall" is the fate of our world.

Bleak, yes. But there is a way to save ourselves from ourselves in a way not too many realize. With the ever-encroaching dangers of global warming, the obsessiveness of Trump, Putin and others for power, control and wealth continue to push the world toward a destiny far removed from the hopes and dreams of millions. Still, we for the most part ignored what we should have learned the lessons history is supposed to teach us.

The probability of a second Trump administration falling in line with tactics similar to Nazi Germany of the 1930's is a reality we can't dismiss as just incoherent rhetoric. We the public have to realize that we as citizens of the United States have an obligation just like what Thomas Jefferson warned us about over 250 years ago. We have to preserve our heritage and restore our democratic republic to the principles of our founding. The future is in our hands. We cannot wallow in disbelief and ignore what has happened to our nation and the world
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Sadly, half the voters voted in favour of the regime you described, knowing exactly what it was and who was at the head of the government.. This endorsement of the pro Facist ideals isnt going to find much support internationally except with fello travellers like Russia and North korea.. America is in for a rude awakening looking for support of any kind..😷
@whowasthatmaskedman both halves voted for the same politics. But since you all hate socialism and the Greens together, since you know we were the alternative to this - you get Armageddon! Deserved. Poverty and hard work for war. You voted for it! Be proud. We quit!
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Roundandroundwego I love how things are black and white to you. Just like US politics. But dont worry. Armagedon or not, America is going to comr royally unstuck following Trump..His latest exploit being to threaten to repossess the Pamana Canal a global Trade route,. Of course its just a coincidence that he is being sued in Panama for unpaid taxes and violating labor laws.. And he is going to take America down with him...😷
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Cry me a river dude . Merry Christmas !
@AthrillatheHunt WTF? Ecclesiastical settings. Apparently, this has something to do with Christmas. 🤣

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swirlie · F
What the USA is reverting back to is pre-American Revolutionary times in Great Britain when King George III of Great Britain was considered the epitome of tyranny and obtuse arrogance, which of course is why there was an American Revolution in the first place!

Everything in Great Britain that American colonists ran from, is now on America's doorstep exactly as it was back when King George III ruled them. Except now the king doesn't wear a thorny crown and Royal cape; he wears a two-piece suit and red tie but talks the same lingo as `ol George once did!
Heartlander · 80-89, M
@swirlie the tariff is collected by the federal government and sales taxes by state and local governments. Expect lots of local discussions about the state and local sales tax on the tariff part. Those battles will be fought at City Hall and the county court house. Those are fun fights where local citizens expect to either pay lower taxes or insist on knowing what they will get in return.

Tariffs aren't aren't about milking foreign manufacturers. They serve as incentives for foreign makers to put their plants in the US, and encourage both US and foreign investors to invest in the USA
swirlie · F
You have probably adopted that economic perspective because that's what those right-wing websites have obviously been peddling to their dedicated readers to make the prospect of tariffs seem like the logical choice for the US government to make by imposing tariffs on foreign imports.

Wow! Are you folks in for a major wakeup call! Get out your wallet Heartlander and just carry it in your hand because you'll be needing it more often than you think by the time Trump gets finished hijacking your economy and the chickens start coming home to roost!

Warren Buffett has already cashed-out 90% of his holdings in the NYSE recently, to which he commented that he's just getting ready for an impending "fire sale"!
Heartlander · 80-89, M
@swirlie :) not only am I NOT a Democrat I am also NOT a Republican. Lately though I’m very impressed with Trump’s picks for cabinet and assorted VIP positions.

I’m somewhat following Warren Buffet’s pullback example. Or is he following mine? It will take some time to pull the US out of the skid, and Democrat saboteurs view stalling Trump as a sacred mission. Trump will outsmart them and succeed anyway. So short run cautious and long run bullish. A time for caution also considering how a stronger dollar may have an inverse impact on the value of non-US companies.
You lost me with antistes. What is antistes? WTF?
@FrogManSometimesLooksBothWays everyone knows Americans don't want to understand. War, Armageddon and ecocide with a smirk. I don't understand you, either, but at least the entire nation is dying! Fast! You don't want to understand! Gahead.
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An invasion run by slave owners? They definitely meant to be evil! And a review of history? Sounds like you never! And won't! They "meant well"? Nah. And Murka is evil. Still. No review of history, no change!
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