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Youtube is bombing me with Syrian Druze Separtist videos

Last few days I've been getting bombarded with Syrian Druze videos. I never looked anything up on youtube involving the Druze. I know alot about them, their "mystery religion" is just a islamic version of Neo-Platonism. I've talked to some before, it's really not that mysterious of a religion if you know early byzantine philosophy.

But I find it really strange youtube is hitting me really hard with the Druze stuff now. Is google trying to force this narrative on people now? I can't really figure out why it (the algorithm) thinks my unregistered account would be so sympathetic to them. It's multiple small user channels. People I never watched a video from.

In regards to the question should Israel annex the Druze communities, I say No and Yes.... no in don't take the land, but move in buses and Israeli-Druza personal and offer a one time move into Israel. Take any statues. If someone is a idiot and says they can't abandon their chickens and dirt, tell them it is only being offered once, never again, when the bus leaves, FU.

I think most would go.
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There's a lot of them in the Israeli army but some of them were traitors so idk if their intention to Israel is for their own safety out of respect and love for Israel or just further infiltration into the country.. who knows.. there's all types 🤐
@Dignaga people do whatever they deem to be in their best interest imo or whatever is right by their moral standards or lack thereof .. others just go with the flow of the majority .. I'm not really sure who the druids are or what they are but they claim to support Israel.. i can't say if they are or aren't sincere or what their modulations are as i don't really know anything much about them ..
@SStarfish They are a Neo-Platonic religion. Catholics and Greek Orthodox are Christian Neo-Platonists. Druze is more pagan than Christianity in terms of Neo-Platonism' influences, in other words they have idols, but they are also Islamic. The pagan greek Neo-Platonist movement lasted longer in that part of the middle east than in Dark Ages Europe. They still had functioning backwater schools centered around it.

If you ever seen the movie Agora, that's from the prior when Christians started supplanting the Pagans in Neo-Platonism:


Unlike in the movie or in college courses in woke universities, in reality the books were picked through, and sent to constantinpole and the school was erestablished there. It went on for centuries, and is now part of The Greek Orthodox Church.

Syria was still fairly independent in the centuries after due to the Arian vs Catholic/Orthodox schism, and nobody cared too much that the pagans maintained their schools. The Druze come out of this time period when Islam was still around, pagans, christians and jews were considered as universally pagan in the islamic invaders eyes, and a new synthesis was being created. A good book on this from the era:

"The Nabataean Agriculture"
Book by Ibn Wahshiyya

It's part of the reason you get weird trinitarian islamic sounding religions with christian and pagan rituals and services purportedly sufi across syria and turkey. Muslims want to destroy them in a Psanish Inquisition styled trial and follow up Jihad, but whenever they investigate they look fully islamic, albiet a bit careless in their interpretations. Once that calms down, they let their hair out and do crazy stuff no Muslim would approve of. The region is full of alot of other crypto-pagan religions pretending to be islamic as well. They fully intergrate into Sufi Orders, or build a sufi order around themselves and continue on operating out of their old pagan temples.
@Dignaga so who knows.. i stay out of stuff 😅

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