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How much will “deputized migrant bounty hunters” cost us in lawsuits and judgements?

Photo above - python bounty hunters, in Florida. Now states are proposing to deputize citizens to hunt and capture illegal aliens

Regular readers of this column will note that I take a nuanced stand on illegal immigrants. Immediately deport those who are charged with felonies. No paperwork ordering them to appear in court, months in the future. No sentencing to our already overcrowded prisons. Just send them back to wherever they came from. Which might be their home country. Or possibly Mexico, or even Canada. If a nation is going to facilitate breaking US immigration laws, that should have consequences.

That said, I am 100% opposed to Missouri’s plan to unleash ordinary citizens as “Migrant Bounty Hunters”. This can only create an epic disaster. Missouri has one the highest gun ownership rates in the nation – near 60%. In the 48 continental states, you’d have to go to Montana or Wyoming to find more guns per person.

Imagine the shouts of jubilee when Missouri’s Amazon pickers, store security guards, and deer hunters learn they can pick up extra cash stalking Juan or Mohammed. Imagine the armed confrontations, when some misidentified migrant resists capture. Imagine the lawsuits afterwards.

Wrongful death awards typically begin at $1 million and can go higher. A LOT higher. Florida (my state) just awarded $300 million to the family of a kid who fell off a theme park ride in Orlando. And a gun wasn’t even involved. What if “Florida Man”, with a couple of empty 40’s in his Dodge Ram, had shot this guy in the head? Sure, he’d go to prison, but any state that deputizes these guys will be on the hook for damages. The trials to AVOID paying damages could cost taxpayers as much as the actual court awards.

There's an easy way to save hundreds of millions in expense here: Let the professionals handle this. Sure, some felons will get away, but that's going to happen no matter what. We don’t need guys who failed the police exam, or got kicked off the force for brutality, running amuck.

I’m just sayin’ . . .

Missouri Floats Program To Deputize Citizens As Migrant Bounty Hunters | Watch
Avectoijesuismoi · 31-35
Immigration is something that is becoming a huge issue all over the world
In itself it is not a bad thing if it is properly managed the problem is it is not being done
Most countries at some point do actually need immigration as they have missing skills within there own country it, I am not talking about the "High End Jobs Only" there are many places in the world where there is a dire shortage of Tradesmen that being electricians, plumbers and so on, there are also in some places also dire shortages of people who have the knowledge and skill to firstly be able to work the land and secondly know when it is time to plant or pick the crops, certain crops for instance Asparagus timing is crucial a day to late and the crop could be absolutely useless and valueless, there are several others where this also applies.
Then Yes there are the times when those high end specialist positions also need filling from elsewhere because there are not any or sufficient candidates in that country.
Then there is where some countries will attract the wealthy people with incentives, because they are good for their economy as they have money they can spend, there are a good few around of those countries.
Controlled immigration can for the examples above and probably a few others have a very good and positive effect for that country.

But what most countries in the world can NO LONGER afford financially is a stream of people crossing their borders and entering it where it actually becomes a drain on that countries resources at the expense of the people of that country.
To put it bluntly the citizens of that country have reached the point where they are plain FED UP with it and the Taxpayers within that country are getting to the point where they also don't want to fund it.

Some immigrants are in short nothing more than ECONOMIC MIGRANTS and that is bad for a countries economy
Firstly they will often take the job and do it for a much lower wage than a local would have to be legally paid, this leads to that countries own people not being able to keep or get a job or having to take a job for poor remuneration just to have the job or to where the countries own citizens are the ones in the social benefits system.

Secondly there are some that will just arrive and expect to be kept by the country ie the taxpayer for an eternity.

Then there are those that arrive on the RUN because they have caused some kind of nonsense in their own country or have committed crimes already, most countries don't want other countries Troublemakers or Criminals (They already have enough of their own)

The problem that the TPS system has created is that it has in some ways resulted in uncontrolled immigration you cannot have a system that allows just anybody from a country because it is on the approved list to enter just because someone thought it was a "good idea or a good deed" to do so.
That in itself is a disaster in the making.

I am not saying don't help people in the case of natural disasters etc in anyway whatsoever, because yes help is needed but it would be better to help them to in the country they are already in or in worst case scenarios allow controlled entry.

I don't know if what you are saying is a good plan or not in theory if the people are properly trained to do the task then yes they are needed, because currently the proper authorities probably simply do not have the manpower to cope maybe it would be better to boost their meager resources.

But using just anybody is not a good idea at all
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@Avectoijesuismoi i don't know if there's a shortage of electricians or not. however, the IBEW (internatinoal brotherhood of electrical workers) in my city successfully lobbied the legislature for a law saying that ONLY union workers could be qualified to get jobs on public works projects.

i doubt if this was intended to help some migrating electrician from Venezuela or Pakistan.
Avectoijesuismoi · 31-35
@SusanInFlorida I was using those as examples
What i am saying is that you cannot just have uncontrolled migration it is going to cause a host of issues in the long term
pdockal · 56-60, M

Which locals ?????
I'm fully expecting a ICE raid on my hitel come spring to summer. I think the hotel properly vouches direct employees, to the extent they have paperwork saying they can legally work (Mayorkas been handing it out to otherwise fully illegal aliens), but we also have a temp agency that is purely foreigners, and I am much less confident they did their due dilligence.

In order to pull off a successful raid as a deputized bounty hunter, you will have to have a warrant. You will have to present the warrant, and in order to do that some judge will have to have confidence in the evidence you presented is correct.

Then comes the problem of getting everyone to cooperate. Only immigration laws I've seen says I can't impede a ICE operation, but I haven't seen anything I gotta cooperate either. I'm a tall white guy, most can tell probably a military vet, but in order to avoid accusations of race targeting (similar to the TSA in airports) I know I'm gonna get pulled aside and told to prove my status.... and I'm unclear about my responsibility to reciprocate or give in- I may just jack them physically if they try to lay a hand on me, given I am clearly not a illegal, and if booked for jacking a ICE official infront of a ICE judge, a good question of why they were even bothering me should come up. Most of the white and black staff is going to be of mixed feelings- knowing they gotta go (the illegals) but also feeling it should be obvious we are americans.

We do have a few russians and a few africans- their accents give them away. I don't carry ID around with me, and don't care to walk down to the locker room to get it if there is teams of ICE running about double tapping me.

But I know in the end of the day they aren't gonna deport me to Germany or England. Just- I'm gonna be the equivelent of the white woman in a crowd of arabs in the TSA lineup, there purely symbolically to prove they were not just targeting minorities. I'm likely to bite the cameraman if he gets too close.

I am planning on getting HR to hire more homeless vets after the raid if a big chunk of the staff vanishes. I know a place I can get a trickle of them as candidates per month for HR to pick over. After that.... there is a whole street I've been giving blankets to, I'm sure a couple would be willing to work if the hotel becomes desperate enough.
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F

Just a suggestion, no judgement on any side, but you could make some copies of your birth certificate. Put one in your wallet. It might save some money and hassle.
@MarthannBann888 Come to think of it, HR has my passport, birth certificate and drivers licence on file.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
"let the professionals handle this"

The "professionals" (fema, NG, dot, etc.) predicted months to clear and open roads in this area after Helene; local citizens accomplished it in a matter of days...

Just offer a bounty for illegals, $100 per person (half price if they resist and have to be euthanized...); rednecks would be dropping them off in trailer loads to ICE...

the ones that didn't get captured would be sprinting back across the border...

problem solved...
ineedadrink · 51-55, M
Well said, that plan is lunacy.
Reason10 · 70-79, M
[@ineedadrink That plan probably doesn't even exist. I doubt seriously if ANY state government (outside of those Nazi goose steppers in CaliFAGula) would even consider licensing too many bounty hunters for regular skip tracing, much less to go after Biden's illegal alien voters.
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@Reason10 if you had read the link, you wouldn't have dismissed posted that reply
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See the true human nature under America? Humans all engage in very harsh judgement. When we leftists see that, well you would have to deny everything we thought and attack and kill each of us globally to hold onto your national dignity. And you do! That's why humanity has a problem with the empire of death. You're that.
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@Roundandroundwego true human nature is why there are homo sapiens, but not neanderthals or denisovans.

the chimps and gorillas are next. they better watch out!
@SusanInFlorida and humanity has a merica problem. All of us vs it.
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F

Could you supply documentation on when DT was sworn in to office and was able to effect the failure you allege?
Healingtogether · 26-30
So it sounds like greedy lawyers are the problem.
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@Healingtogether wait. i thought were talking about wrongful death lawsuits, not members of congress?
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@Healingtogether So it sounds like greedy lawyers are the problem.

When are greedy lawyers NOT the problem?
specman · 51-55, M
Yeah I don’t think that’s a good idea either!
MarthannBann888 · 70-79, F
I can see where you are coming from.
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
And you have the Democrats to thank for that
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SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@Reason10 i cannot fathom why anyone would write this
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