Higher taxes declared a miracle cure! Is there ANY problem they can’t fix?
Photo above - President Biden banned incandescent bulbs in 2023. Have you fully complied with the new law?
The world is in crisis over CO2. The solution is . . . more taxes!!
Are you old enough to remember when we were going to save the planet by switching to LED bulbs? (I did that). Then the government pivoted to EVs as the answer to climate change. (Last month I bought a Honda Civic Hybrid – the sport touring trim). I also planted a couple trees in my mom’s back yard, because I heard trees absorb CO2 and can save the planet. Apparently, none of this is going to work. Higher taxes are the ONLY way out. See link below.
Warning, this "mo' better taxes" claim is made by some University professors (government employees). Who live in New Zealand, where there are 5 times as many sheep as people (25 million sheep, 5 million people). So if New Zealand is having a C02 problem, my first inclination would be to point a finger at the sheep. In any case, our own US government officials have been saying the same thing about carbon taxes for a while. When it became obvious that LED’s weren’t going to make the slightest difference.
America collected $5 trillion taxes (all kinds) in 2022. Another new record. Practically every year taxes are a record. And practically every year the national debt is a new record too.
Clearly there is ZERO relationship between taxes, climate change, and the national debt. They’re all getting worse - very quickly.
Back to the carbon tax. This would be on top of the state and federal gasoline taxes Americans already pay. And the electricity tax. And the natural gas tax. Those are carbon taxes too . . . but those tax dollars immediately disappear into a giant kettle, and the money is ladled out to the military, space exploration, and covid 19 grants to struggling airlines etc.
Random thought: If we closed some of our 800 military bases around the globe, could THAT possibly reduce the national debt and carbon emissions? The US military uses 5 TRILLION (with a T) gallons of fuel annually. And we’re not even at war. And I’m not sure the Pentagon pays any tax on their fuel. They have their own gas pumps and aviation fuel tanks, and don’t rely on Exxon.
How much fuel does it take to launch something into outer space? 1 million pounds of fuel for each Falcon 9 (space x) launch. And there were 150 launches this year. Elon Musk uses most of the launches either to send US government gear into orbit, or more Starlink satellites. He has 6,000 starlink satellites in orbit already. And plans 12,000 more. Because everyone in Africa and South America and New Zealand wants to be online, 24/7. A carbon tax isn’t going to slow that down. The US government will just use the money for more military gear, more space launches, and interest payments to the Saudi’s who hold a lot of our $35 trillion national debt.
China emits twice as much CO2 as the USA, Europe and India – combined. I doubt if a US carbon tax is going to make a dent in THEIR contribution to global warming. Anyway, Xi Jinping (Secretary General of the Chinese Communist party, and in office for more than a decade after seizing power) has an ambitious plan to build the world’s largest Navy, Air force, and space force. They don’t appear to be interested in curtailing their CO2 emissions.
New Zealand . . . we applaud your civic minded concern for the rest of the planet. Sorry for my snark earlier about your 25 million sheep. They are not the problem. Your neighbor China, to the northwest, is the problem. Any carbon tax you enact will be as pointless as another LED bulb in the living room.
I’m just sayin’ . . .
New study emphasizes value of a carbon tax to effectively decarbonize the economy