Meanwhile, in a nearby parallel universe...
Kamala wins the election, and immediately begins to implement her extreme agenda. Men in women's teams (and changing rooms), more endless wars, rampant homelessness and crime, filth everywhere, yet more bureaucratic red tape for businesses, the loss of free expression, governmental coercion in personal decisions (ex. mandatory vaccinations), and more people walking down the street who look as though they've just escaped from the local mental asylum.
The world, not just the USA, really did just dodge a bullet (pun intended). It came far, far too close for comfort. I think we can all agree that it's better - much better - to have someone in charge who knows how to dodge bullets than someone who dodges questions from journalists. That dreadful woman would have been an absolute disaster, her party communist in all but name.
And Tim Walz and his crazy wife! Holy crap, she's batshit insane. 😳
The world, not just the USA, really did just dodge a bullet (pun intended). It came far, far too close for comfort. I think we can all agree that it's better - much better - to have someone in charge who knows how to dodge bullets than someone who dodges questions from journalists. That dreadful woman would have been an absolute disaster, her party communist in all but name.
And Tim Walz and his crazy wife! Holy crap, she's batshit insane. 😳